The Future of Smallman Street

Image courtesy of the City of Pittsburgh

Learn more about the proposed Smallman Street redevelopment project

The City of Pittsburgh wants to improve the pedestrian experience and add clarity to the chaotic traffic patterns on Smallman St in the Strip District. Informed by stakeholder input, the design team put together a concept plan and presented it at the Wednesday, Jan 18 public meeting.

View the city’s plan to re-build infrastructure, improve safety, and enhance user experience on Smallman Street between 16th and 21st Streets.

Click here view full presentation

View more concepts from the presentation below:

Images courtesy of the City of Pittsburgh



  • michaelmilleryoder says:

    Thanks for posting this! Are they inviting public comment, and if so, who can we contact? I’d love to see protected bike lanes and less parking as part of the vision (this is a dense, pedestrian-friendly area and lots of space for cars detracts from that).

  • scott says:

    Yes please email andrea.lavinkossis (at ) with your comments. A few things to be aware of that the consultants presented last week 1. the bike lanes would be a different, smoother material than the cartway for motor vehicles thus separating the two modes via different materials and slowing down the latter 2. the big theme was the ability to use the space for many different things thus making it more of a shared European-style street. This is the reason they don’t want curbs. 3. They talked about adding another bikeway in back of the Produce Terminal as well.

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