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2018 Good Friday Fish Fry Ride

I hope you can join us for the 7th annual Good Friday Fish Fry! This is a very short ride with the sole purpose of getting some good eats with friends while also riding our bikes. Good Friday is March 30th this year, We will meet up at OTB in SouthSide around Noon for a beverage with wheels on the ground at 1pm. Notes: – The church is only about four flat miles from OTB via the SouthSide trail with less than half a mile of on street riding needed. The pace will be slow and conversational. -They have both baked and fried fish, soup & a decent dessert table. The sandwich is big and I think a good value. You will be full for $10 or less. -Seating is family style at long tables and even though the hall can get rather crowded, we have had success sitting mostly together since we split the lunch/dinner crowd. -The church doesn’t have bike racks (boo… ) but there is an iron fence that they don’t seem to mind us locking to. -If the weather is nice we usually add a bonus post-eats slow ride along the river to work off some of our meal.
2018-03-23 15:18:11
Bump Looks like a warm rain/shower is expected. We'll still ride as long as it's not a thunderstorm.
2018-03-29 12:11:04