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Annual Members Meeting: 11/10/09

We had a postcard malfunction, but hopefully all you members got the emails. Here are all the details:

And remember this is for

2009-11-09 21:59:45

really wish i could come! im in the other scott bricker town, though. hope you can do this again like, 2x per year or something.

2009-11-10 01:14:18

that picture above is actually of the two scott brickers

2009-11-10 02:16:08

It's my birthday! I'll try to come.

2009-11-10 05:03:37

Sooo excited that this is going to be at the UP. Is it okay to walk and not bike?

2009-11-10 13:45:27

ugh, serious mail fail. sorry everyone. live and learn.

2009-11-10 14:21:00

mail or male?

2009-11-10 14:22:44

Looking forward to meeting some folks at this tonight. Come one, come all.

2009-11-10 17:07:15

they had ipods in the 80s? Nuts, I had to make do with some crappy cassette player.

2009-11-10 17:18:51

yeah, it was a special members only ipod

2009-11-10 17:42:09

is that really both scott brickers? i need to know.

2009-11-10 18:16:35

also it would have been awesome if that were the postcard. members only ONLY

2009-11-10 18:17:29

Just figured I would ask if there will be reasonably secured bike parking available.

2009-11-10 22:13:52

I'll secure my bike to another bike and be sure to leave early ;)

2009-11-10 23:01:53

I didn't get an email. I'm disappointed, I would have liked to go.

2009-11-11 16:16:35

Sorry if you didn't get it, Nick. Are you on our email list? We sent one out a week ago Monday or Tuesday and then again this past Monday.

We usually send out 1 or 2 emails/month. Also if your email has changed since you became a member it might only reflect that in Constant Contact (our mailing system) and not in our Filemaker Pro database. Send Erok an email and we'll get that fixed.

Apologies one more time for lack of print invitation. It was a perfect storm of last minute artwork + the printer not printing and sending in the timeframe they said. Regardless, it won't happen again.

2009-11-11 17:02:19

Just emailed Erok.

So how was the meeting?

2009-11-11 17:22:56

It went very well; I credit it having been my birthday.

Also apparently Scott got yelled at for the presence of beer?

2009-11-11 23:21:31

+1 for EEnd Brewing, and very yummy cookies.

I especially liked the breakout sessions. Attendees split into 7 groups, for six geographic parts of the city, and a 7th for the suburbs. We summarized the main pluses and minuses that cyclists in each area face, and what to do about the latter.

Post-meeting excitement was Erok's bike toppling off a porch and rolling down a staircase on its rear tire, without apparent damage. Wish I had it on video. Five seconds of scary awesome!

2009-11-12 00:14:00

this sounds like it was cool! We should have a geographic meet up every so often. Since I live in the east end, I nominate Tazza D'Oro for this.

2009-11-13 20:05:34