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Anyone have a trailer they can rent OR ideas on how to haul a hockey bag?

I have a situation next week where I'd really like to haul my hockey bag with my bike. I'll be taking the Pens adult skills camp at Consol on 9/17 and 9/18 and I need to figure out how to get my hockey gear down there sans car. Option 1. Bus. Unfortunately with all the bus route cutbacks there isn't a route near my house, and the nearest is a bit of a walk. Carrying a hockey bag and 2 sticks to the bus, then sitting on it through Oakland at rush hour isn't my idea of a good time. Option 2. Bike. Somehow get a trailer to carry the bag on and bike it. The sticks aren't a problem, you just strap those along the top tube. I don't, however, have a trailer nor have I ever used one. So will a trailer securely haul a 25 lb loaded hockey bag (probably) and also where I can get/rent a trailer for a reasonable price? I've read that this is done in Calgary and Toronto (and London; UK, not Ontario) but I haven't seen pics. So...any suggestions??
2013-09-10 08:17:18
You can borrow my single-wheel trailer. It mounts through the rear quick-release hub. It would easily carry a 25 lb hockey bag. Email me if interested. I'm in Squirrel Hill.
2013-09-10 08:41:14
Seriously? That would be awesome!
2013-09-10 09:20:30
Benzo - I like the look of that. Would totally work if I had actual money to spend. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future.
2013-09-10 11:04:29
I forgot that's on my never-ending bicycle want list too If I ever actually make money...
2013-09-10 21:22:15
The trailer worked great (felt a little squirrely at first but then figured it out) and successfully transported the bag to Consol. Thanks so much Jon!
2013-09-18 08:27:45
You're welcome, glad to help. I like the way you're managing your hockey sticks.
2013-09-18 08:32:35
Benzo wrote:a burly travoy trailer seems perfect for this.
My sense is the tiny wheels would be an issue with every pothole you hit - as well as curbs and even imperfect curb cuts. Even the wheels on my BOB are way too small and the BOB's are much bigger than that travoy trailer's.
2013-09-19 10:45:52
sarapgh2 wrote:The trailer worked great (felt a little squirrely at first but then figured it out) and successfully transported the bag to Consol. Thanks so much Jon!
That's awesome. It has been a goal of mine to ride my bike to a hockey game. I live in Cranberry and usually play on Neville Island. The biggest obstacle for me so far has been all of the games are at like 11:30 at night and I really didn't want to ride there and back in the dark.
2013-09-25 23:11:29
Thanks Bill, we should really all be living in Montreal or Toronto and go to rinks in the city:) The only one other than Consol I could ever really bike to again is Schenley, but that's also at night. We'll see. You could play at Warrendale just to be able to bike it:)
2013-09-26 08:16:12
The 2.5 miles to the rink from my home doesn't excite me very much though lol.
2013-09-26 08:18:26
2.5 miles, that's perfect for a bike trip! Flip it and look at it this way, why fire up the car for a 2.5 mile trip, the engine probably doesn't even warm up fully in that distance. Show people it can easily be done.
2013-09-26 08:40:24
billkamm wrote:The 2.5 miles to the rink from my home doesn’t excite me very much though lol.
You can use some interesting back-roads and make it 25. :)
2013-09-26 20:25:11