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Biker Rage on Jail Trail! EastEnder 1, Hot Pink cellphone 0

This afternoon, while on a delightful trek, I proceeded to enter the trail at Grant (heading east). Once on, this girl (teenager, no more than 21) was in the middle of the path on a bike, propping a cellphone up on her shoulder with her face, screaming at someone on the other end, all the while wobbling and swaying left and right. Taking up the entire width of the path with her antics.

A biker facing me stopped in front of her, waved to her to move over. I yelled BIKE!, screeching to a halt next to her. Of course, she starts screaming at me. After a few choice words, I turn to continue on and she whips her cellphone at my head. I felt a "dink!" as it hit my helmet, bounced off, and watched it smash into a dozen pieces on the path.

I laughed (of course, she's still screaming and swearing at me) and moved on with plenty of adrenaline pumping for a fast and pleasant Jail Trail ride. :)

I was going to stop at the bike rental place around the corner to tell them about what happened, but figured no - no time to pay any more attention to trash like that.

Always wear yer helmet! :)


2010-08-22 18:31:43

Go eastender!

Great story. Funny you never see this on the "why to wear a helmet" lists.

2010-08-22 19:00:13

That is great. Whoever was on the other end of that call undoubtedly owes you a debt of gratitude.

2010-08-22 20:21:26

Karma strikes again!

2010-08-22 20:33:38

Seriously ...all I said was "Move over if you're on the phone" and then the most surreal 4-second long confrontation occurred.


2010-08-22 20:56:59

I experienced some road rage on the Panther Hollow trail today... somehow, some woman ended up, in her car, between the bridge & soccer field. She was attempting a u-turn to get back off the trail, I yelled "hey, stop!" because I was certain she was too caught up in her predicament to be aware of anyone who may be on the trail for a legitimate reason... so she yells & calls me an idiot. I gave her the standard response and kept going, but in hindsight should've gone back & said something more along the lines of "I know you are, but what am I"?

How the he'll would one get a car down there anyway?

2010-08-22 22:31:41

I was on the trail today (from Hot Metal bridge to parking lot) and I missed all the fun.

2010-08-22 22:56:24

I was on the trail, too, and seemed to miss all this fun! Though, while I was crossing Hot Metal I got to see a guy talking on his cellphone, riding with his child. Huh. How 'bout that.

2010-08-22 23:03:06

I missed all the fun too :(

In response to the lady in a car on the trail. I once witnessed something similar on the southside trail. Lady (in an SUV) was coming out of Riverfront park and turned onto the trail heading towards Station Square, instead of crossing the RR tracks to continue up 18th street. She went about 1500 ft before stopping and looking around as confused as could be.

2010-08-23 00:26:25

A couple weeks ago I was on the SS trail and as I got to the portion at 18th where the entrance to park was what do I see but a compact car turning onto the trail heading to pittsburgh.

he stopped as I rode the middle of the trail toward him. as I pulled up beside him he rolled his window down and asked

"This, uh, isnt a road is it?"

I told him no and he apologized and backed out and quickly left.

2010-08-23 00:27:10

I usually take the trail, but today I skipped it and caught a bus from downtown (laziness), and missed this.

2010-08-23 00:34:40

I was out today, didn't see your drama. Hope she didn't dent your lid. Most of my car encounters on the trail (non-DPW) have been on the Chateau section.

2010-08-23 03:43:55

I see cars riding the trail on the north side almost every day. They use the section by the old PAB building as a short-cut rather than go around the block on the one-way streets. :-(

2010-08-23 11:51:40

@quizbot - "...calls me an idiot. I gave her the standard response and kept going, but in hindsight..."

I'm curious, what is the 'standard response'?

ps: Dude! Way to go in France!

2010-08-23 16:58:27

Ha, I saw her too, probably around 12:30p. She was stopped, and talking to someone on a bicycle through the passenger window. Looked *very* confused.

2010-08-23 18:20:08

People in cars on trails have a higher-than-normal likelihood of being intoxicated. The police should be involved before someone gets killed, or seriously injured.

2010-08-23 18:28:03

Once I was out running early in the morning and saw someone driving on the Schenley oval, right after the asphalt ramp up from Overlook, where the gate had been left open. I just stopped and stared, and eventually they drove back out in reverse.

2010-08-23 18:58:37

@88MS88 - standard response : "Fuck you!" I know... not that positive, but usually it's the first thing that comes to mind. Her idiocy & my rudeness canceled each other out in the moment.

I did pass a cop on Saline St after coming off the trail, I didn't say anything, but should've told him that there was some drunk woman driving up on the trail.

2010-08-23 22:22:12