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Candidate positions

I don't want to make this political, but with 52 days until the presidential election, I have been concerned about the lack of information made available to date on the candidate's positions relative to transpotation.

I found this in an editorial from the Washington Post, and thought it might be appropriate for this forum:

<<....Unfortunately, neither Barack Obama nor John McCain has made transportation a priority or spelled out in any detail how to pay for it. Mr. Obama calls for "stronger" infrastructure and the development of high-speed freight and passenger rail. He says that he would ease congestion by giving states money to build bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly roads.

Mr. McCain would encourage automakers to develop fuel-efficient technology by issuing a "Clean Car Challenge" that would award a $5,000 tax credit to each consumer who buys a zero-emissions car. He would also increase penalties for automakers that don't comply with fuel economy standards, and he would offer a $300 million prize to anyone who can develop a car battery that surpasses current technology. He is right to focus on fuel efficiency and innovation, but his plan relies on implausible initiatives. His call for a gas tax holiday this year showed a misunderstanding of the fund's unstable finances...>>

2008-09-16 19:09:31

Although not specifically these two candidates, the league of american bicyclists has started a new page on who's trash talking bikes, many of which are politicians

2008-09-20 01:39:53

newsweek just did a story about the candidates and the number of cars that they own

john mccain: 13

barack (and michelle) obabma: 1 (2008 Ford Escape hybrid)

i don't know if that means that their taking transit once in awhile, but if they do, i'm guessing that obama at least understands it's importance. honestly, most families i know won't even be a 1 car household with 2 drivers in the house, so that's a bit impressive.

2008-09-21 19:10:04

john mccain (and cindy): 13 cars, 9 houses

barack (and michelle) obama: 1 (2008 Ford Escape hybrid) car, 1 house

erok and i will put together a "Bike the Vote" info page a couple of weeks before the election. Since we're a 501c3 we can't endorse anyone, but we can report the facts as they relate to transportation.

2008-09-23 14:46:22

FWIW, my office put together the candidates' positions on a few issues related to metros, energy, and transportation:

2008-10-03 22:02:10