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Cheap indoor trainer?

hey folks.

now that the colder months are rapidly approaching, i'm thinking that i really don't want to have to get off of my bike. sure, i have a hybrid that i'm going to ride in the snow, but i would love to have something to keep my legs up during the winter.

i know that trainers can be expensive, but, does anybody have any tips on finding a good, relatively inexpensive unit?

(p.s., lol. 'unit.')

2010-10-21 13:13:50

Check craigslist constantly. I managed to be the first to call and got a Minoura Mag 500 trainer for a whopping 15 bucks last week. Not at all the best trainer, but for 15 bucks you can't beat it.

2010-10-25 02:40:02

I asked twitter last winter and scored a sweet trainer for the cost of shipping.

Stationary trainers are possibly the more boring thing I've ever done, though.

2010-10-25 03:28:50

i bought a kurt kinetic off someone here last year. i used it twice and definitely thought it was boring, which is odd because i don't have a problem running on a treadmill. although the big difference is I have a TV to watch when doing the latter but not the former.

i'm debating whether to sell it or give it another try this winter. well, i guess i'll put it up for sale and see what happens. i'll sell it for what i paid ($150), including a couple things i bought myself for another ~$50:

Kurt Kinetic riser ring

Continental Trainer Tire

The trainer itself is a few years old (not sure) and works fine AFAICT... new ones are $300.

2010-10-25 04:05:47

I learned that the worst thing you can do on a trainer is try to watch TV. Your speed/cadence are so elevated that television seems to happen in slow motion. Made my 30 minutes of riding seem endless......

Reading worked well for me. Then I scored some videos from a railroad tour that was just the video image from the front of the engine. It was sort of like riding along a rail trail that had not yet been constructed. The pace was still a little off, but 30 minutes of nature viewing worked a lot better for me than slow speed television. Still, if you are starting off on a trainer, start in small increments and build up. The boredom factor may discourage you altogether if you try to to too much in the first couple of "rides."

2010-10-25 13:29:04

Stationary trainers are possibly the more boring thing I've ever done, though.

Try rollers.

2010-10-25 13:35:58

also get a super long wear tire for using o the trainer. it will DESTROY your rear tire.

2010-10-25 14:22:55

The price difference is all thats keeping me from rollers right now.

Salty - pretty sure the reason running on a treadmill is nowhere near as boring is because of how much effort you're putting into keeping your balance. A cycling trainer is more equivalent to someone holding you up by the hips while you skim the ground with your feet. Thats why rollers keep your attention a whole lot more as well.

2010-10-25 21:23:19

If I'm on the trainer or rollers I always do a structured workout, which seems to go a lot faster. For example, 5 minutes easy, 5 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy, 20 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy, 20 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy. Mentally it really helps to mix up the intensity, and to have a goal in mind.

I like to have a movie on, too.

2010-10-25 23:42:54

I used to have a mag trainer, and now I just have rollers, but I find rollers a lot more tolerable--I just wist I had a resistance unit for them.

2010-10-26 03:02:48

I find that when I get the rpms up above my comfort level, it becomes a real physical effort. And a hellacious racket.

(Though to be honest, I really don't ride indoors very much. I find other things to do in the winter instead, like ice skating, skiing, or stairs.)

2010-10-26 11:27:43

++ for stairs in the winter. Cathedral of Learning is fun, you can mix it up with different stairwells, and the view from the top is pretty.

won't do a thing for cycling specific muscles, but general work out it can't be beat (and it's usually so warm in there I'm stripped pretty bare by the 4th or 5th round) I think somebody calculated out 62 trips up (from the basement) is the height of everest, but my memory is fuzzy and I could be way off.

2010-10-26 13:31:44

ok, 66 times is everest :D It's still a nice, free way to get a warm winter workout in.

2010-10-26 18:12:43