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Coffeeneuring 2019

This is the first weekend of the seven-week Coffeeneuring Challenge. I’m in this year, as I am most years. In brief, take one ride a week, at least a couple miles not just up the street, and consume a cup of some beverage - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, whatever. The point is, as the weather cools down, go somewhere purposeful, and not the same place. Get used to riding as the weather turns. Here’s a message board thread from 2015. http://localhost/message-board/topic/coffeeneuring-2015-october-3-november-21/ Go somewhere, post a photo showing you were there (Twitter is great for this, but whatever floats your boat), and at the end of seven weeks, if you want a nice remembrance of the occasion, send $5 to a lady in Maryland and get a nice patch.
2019-10-13 20:16:46
I’ve managed to get out all four weekends so far. How’s everyone else doing?
2019-11-03 02:18:17
As of 11/24/19, have completed 7 rides.  8 was a bonus, since this is year 8 of the event, but not required.
2019-11-28 11:48:07
Yes, finished all seven. Didn't try an eighth ... yet, anyway.
2019-12-03 17:31:17