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Congressman LaTourette of Ohio

Oh no he didn't.

From the NYT, comments from Congressman Steven LaTourette of Ohio, in response to Trans Sec Ray LaHood's comments regarding equal treatment of walking and biking as transportation alternatives:

“I don’t even understand how you get a bang for the buck out of a bicycle project,” Mr. LaTourette subsequently commented. “I mean, what job is going to be created by having a bike lane?”

Knowing what I know about the bike community in Ohio, I'm pretty sure this clown is going to get a ear chewing. I'm going to find an Ohio board and put this up (tee hee).

2010-03-31 18:07:31

“Suppose you were an idiot – and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”

-Mark Twain.

Quoth Wiki, in a fit of biased reporting, on Ohio's 14th congressional district, which LaTourette represents:

"The boundaries were carefully drawn by the legislature to create a safe Republican seat in the usually Democratic Cleveland and Akron metro areas. Thus, the district is primarily exurban in character, avoiding cities and closer-in suburbs."

I guessing they have tea parties there, but no critical masses. Just a guess. Doesn't sound like he'll run into much trouble with his SUV-driving constituency.


2010-03-31 18:27:29

Stephan Patchen should send him an email.

2010-03-31 18:33:03

We'll see. I apparently sent an email to everyone who receives the Ohio Bicycle Federation's "Ohio Cycling Calendar". Oops.

I know from experience that the tens of thousands of recreational cycling enthusiats from Ohio are from areas that are "primarily exurban in character".

2010-03-31 18:36:43