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Crush the Commonwealth 2011---Dates??

Thinking about:

April 22

April 29


Motivation to get on the bike in the cold and snow.....

2010-12-17 20:34:07

I've committed to a fleche near Columbus on the 23rd, so prefer the 29th.

It conflicts with Calvin's Challenge, but I know at least one other person besides myself who will blow off Calvin's for CTC.

Local ultra-ish things around then:

-Ohio Randos Fleche on April 23rd

-Pittsburgh Randos 300K on April 23rd

-Pittsburgh Randos 400K on May 7th

2010-12-17 21:37:19

I'm scheduling around Sea Otter (Apr 14-17) and Dirt Fest (May 19-21).

2010-12-17 22:12:05

You see, Dan, Eric is sane enough to want a few recovery weeks in between events. :)

FWIW, I'd vote for the 29th or even a week later.

But whenever it's held, I'll be there. Since sucessfully negotiating with the wife for permission to do this crazy thing, I'm more stoked than ever.

2010-12-18 02:11:50

Doh. I realized that the week after the 29th is Momma's Day. Nevermind.

2010-12-18 03:53:03

@tomh I realized that the week after the 29th is Momma's Day.

"Mom? You know how you've been saying that you want to get more exercise?"

2010-12-18 05:33:28

I made the Mother's day mistake last year.


2010-12-18 15:54:07

Just as an aside, the CTC route passes in front of my house. I might have seen one of you guys one year.

2010-12-21 16:46:05

I hope to do CTC this year. It just didn't work out last year.

2010-12-22 01:32:46

If anyone's interested, I'll put together an escalating series of shakedown/training rides for the April weekends prior. Start with a 30-35 miler on the weekend of the 2nd, then double up to a 65 and a 120 on the respective weekends of the 9th and 16th.

(Regarding speed of training rides for CTC in general: Think "sustainable pace loaded with gear", not "sprinting until your spandex catches fire from air friction.")

2010-12-22 18:29:43

does Amtrack have roll-on services for the return trip? Does Amtrack even do Philly-Pgh?

Not that I'd consider joining in a race (though the rout looks like a fun week vacation type ride), but just wondering.

2010-12-22 18:58:00

@ejwme, you asked about Amtrak?

2010-12-22 19:05:30

@reddan rides...

Start with a 30-35 miler on the weekend of the 2nd, then double up to a 65 and a 120 on the respective weekends of the 9th and 16th.

I'm going to start traing for another June DC trip (I think I might come back via Gettysburg and Route S). I'd be up for the 35 mile and probably the 60 mile training. Mabye the first 75 or 80 of the 120 mile.

2010-12-22 21:28:26

yeah, stu, I was just hoping that the news would be different if I asked again. sigh.

Amtrack is vastly superior to greyhound, in terms of passenger comforts. Timing and logistics? not so much. Bit by bit?

2010-12-22 21:51:36

@Mick: I'll be sure to arrange the long route to facilitate shorter segments; maybe do a Red Belt loop to and from town (~75 miles), then venture out again for another 45-mile-ish loop up through the North Hills and back.

2010-12-22 22:16:01

i've wanted to do ctc for years. but having it in april is rough. and in past years i didn't have all the awesome equipment i would need (i.e. nice lights) nor did i have the money with which to purchase these things. this year, i don't know if i'll have time off. but i will be down for some early season training rides, i think.

2010-12-22 22:42:38

reddan, keep me posted on the training rides.

2010-12-23 01:58:34

Want to do.

Please let me know of training rides too!

2010-12-23 04:58:46

Don't let "proper" lights scare you off. Something around 100 lumens does the trick, 2 tail lights and a back up for the headlight.

Princeton Tec EOS, Push or Corona would all fit the bill for headlights. Cateye and Planet Bike make stuff that would work too.

I need to try this training thing I keep hearing about. I think I remember something about it from high school soccer.

2010-12-23 18:02:00

the TriLED is totally a suitable headlight, cheap, and in my opinion has the best headlamp mount for a cheaper light. it's all self-contained so when you remove the light, there's nothing left on the bar...

2010-12-23 18:28:57


Training (tr?'n?ng) n.

1. That thing where you take a bunch of people who talk about doing something hard, have 'em do an easier version, then tell 'em that now they have no excuse to back out from the real deal.

2. That exercise in futility where you try to find out what won't stay attached to your bike, before you're 200 miles from help.

2010-12-23 18:34:54

CTC - Been guilted by many into doing this (looking at you Dan). Soooo....I'm in.

2010-12-24 15:38:31

Eastern PA folks, here are two organized rides that have the same spirit as the CTC. Good training rides. 76 miles on march 26 and 72 miles on April 2. Both rides cover paved and non-paved roads...


2011-02-02 02:43:31

Those rides look really great! I hope I can make it to one (or both)

2011-02-02 02:53:05

I would love to go to one of these. Wish they werent across the state though.

2011-02-02 04:01:48

I'll be at PSP at 5 a.m. ready to roll!

2011-02-02 20:27:11

I hope I can make it this year. This ride kicks ass.

2011-02-03 01:36:02