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Cycling as Transportaion Survey

I was contacted by German University student working on a research project about cycling as transportation in our area who is looking for people to take a evry breif survey. It only takes about a minute.

Dear Pittsburgh Cyclists,

I'm looking for Pittsburghers who (at least occasionally) use a bicycle as

a form of transportation to take a five minute survey.

The survey is being conducted as part of a graduate research project at the Freie-Universität Berlin, Germany, as a part of a study investigating cycling in Pittsburgh and Cleveland.

The survey is mainly interested in the geographic distribution of cycling in Pittsburgh. So, in order to get the most reliable answers possible, I'd like to ask you to forward this link to any other cyclists you might know in the Pittsburgh area. This would help tremendously!

No personal data is collected and the results are anonymous. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to send them to:

The survey will close by the end of the first week of September.

Here is the link:

Thank you very, very much for your participation!


Gregg Culver

2009-08-27 21:50:39

sounds like a scam, but I'll give him my bank account information anyway...

What do we get in return? Can we crash at his place, if we're in berlin?

2009-08-28 12:46:15

Hmm, doesn't seem like a very valid sample but I'll take it anyhow.

2009-08-28 13:11:05

ClevelandBikes followed up with the guy running the survey. He's in Germany, but he's originally from Pittsburgh.

2009-08-28 14:33:15