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Drivers Behaving Badly

I posted this in the comments section on, but thought I would share it here. This is 90 seconds of footage from my 45 minute, 10 mile commute yesterday. 3 red lights run, more right hooks than you can believe, a couple of left-right combos, and some slamming on brakes when rolling into an intersection. This was all in one damn 45 minute ride.

2012-10-03 01:48:46

Sometime I work in bethel park and I am pretty sure in pass you going the opposite direction. I feel bad that you have to deal with the horrible behavior. I can't stand driving through that area. I can't tell.. Are you taking the lane where it is two lanes?

2012-10-03 02:07:39

It depends on my speed. Up until I reach Eat N' Park, I hug the curb pretty tight, because I'm uphill and probably holding 12-15 mph. Once I get into Dormont and Lebo, I take the lane, because I'm usually between 18-25 mph.

Next time you see me, yell "hey Andy" and I'll buy you a cup of coffee!

2012-10-03 02:16:30

ooh, is that a new game?

2012-10-03 02:24:10

Sure, if it's actually me that you're yelling to, you can have coffee too.

2012-10-03 02:31:58

Any chance of posting the snippet at 0:22 where it looks like you're about to roll a stop sign, but you said in the PG post that you in fact did not?

Or the whole 45-minute trip?

2012-10-03 03:45:30

Well, I intended to post the whole trip last night, but I over-wrote the memory card with my commute yesterday. I may still be able to , though, as I used software to edit the first time and I think it stores the entire unedited clip.

2012-10-04 14:18:52

Yikes. If you hadn't said that it was from a single trip, I would assume that video is a compilation over several days or weeks. I hope that was a particularly bad day, and that it's not like that every time you commute.

We need to get this guy to come here and start running into all the cars that right hook him.

2012-10-04 14:48:43

Yesterday was better...only one left hook attempt (thwarted by my best "don't fock with me" staredown) and a couple of buzz-bys.

One interesting thing from yesterday, though. On West Liberty Ave, during rush hour, a truck was illegally parked in the curb lane. Drivers approached, and had no problem being courteous, slowing and allowing drivers from the right lane to merge left. But god forbid that a cyclist be in the same lane at the same time, because you get tailgating, screaming, and people in the left lane leaning on the horn when people try to merge.

I guess illegally parked truck > legally moving cyclist.

2012-10-04 15:38:00

I was wondering if you were wearing a shirt that said "right hook me" on the back and "left hook me" on the front after watching that. Amazing.

2012-10-04 16:11:02

Concur. That right hook, left hook combo on the yellow was too much, gave me a stomachache watching it.

2012-10-04 17:40:55

J Z, it wasn't even yellow...that is the pedestrian light, the traffic light was actually green.

2012-10-04 19:40:56