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Google Map Update for "Panther Hollow Trail"

So, I was tired of having an incorrect google map for pittsburgh where the "Junction Hollow Trail" was mislabeled as the panther hollow trail... so I asked google to fix it, and it looks like it will be fixed soon. Here's what google said.

Hi Ben,

Your Google Maps problem report has been reviewed, and you were right!

This section of the trail is not called "Panther Hollow Trail" it is called "Junction Hollow Trail" where it connects 2 disconnected sections of 'boundry st' together running north to south. Other sections of trail labeled "Panther Hollow Trail" are correct. Please see official pittsburgh parks map at

We'll update the map soon and email you when you can see the change.

Thanks for helping us to improve Google Maps!

New! This email was sent because you clicked "Report a Problem" on Google Maps. We thought you should know that you can now edit the map yourself, on Google Map Maker.

2012-04-19 12:27:58

You can actually fix the maps yourself. Just go to Google MapMaker (there is a small link in the bottom right). You can edit maps, add locations of interest to you, move roads around, etc.

2012-04-19 12:41:33

Thanks jonawebb... I'll try that next time. I've just used the report problem and got a few things fixed before.

2012-04-19 12:47:51