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Help: toe cages.

Hello, friends!

This time last week I lost one of my dear toe cages on the C&O towpath. I never realized how amazing cages were until I had to ride the last 80 or so miles (plus some around the D.C. area) without my right cage.

With this said, can anyone offer any suggestions for reasonable pedals and chrome toe cages?

Thanks in advance!

2010-07-21 19:43:56

Do you need just the cage, or pedals and cages?

Thick has some cheap Origin8 pedals. Last time I was looking for cages thick only had some expensive NJS-approved metal cages (over a year ago).

2010-07-21 20:03:38

For pedals, I have found a soulmate in the MKS Sylvan <3

2010-07-21 20:25:05

@Spak: I've heard great things about the MKS Sylvan pedals and cages. Is there a major difference between the touring, road, and track? I know that's probably a stupid question, but I'm still a n00b.

@Nick: I just need a cage, but I want new pedals. The ones that came with my bike got pretty beat up on the C&O...rough times.

2010-07-21 20:43:06

@swellexelle- Did you do the whole Pgh-DC trip? other than teh lsot cage how did it go?

2010-07-21 20:45:27

@Mick Yep! We did the whole thing from Boston (PA, of course!) to D.C.. It was an amazing experience to say the least. I think I prefer the GAP over the C&O for obvious reasons (smooth, crushed limestone vs. muddy, root-ridden "paths"), though time on the C&O passed a lot quicker than GAP. I want to do it again, for sure!

2010-07-21 20:58:03

I tried toe cages, but man, I couldn't use them. They made me feel like I was going to die. :(

2010-07-21 23:24:02

If cornering clearance isn't a concern (shouldn't be if you're riding freewheel and not racing) then get the biggest pedal-to-foot contact patch you can find, with an appropriate sized clip to put the ball of you foot roughly over the pedal spindle. Track pedals are usually super nice, but narrow for cornering clearance. Touring or road ones will likely be more comfortable for you.

I've fallen in love with the new-school pedal retention out there that uses a bmx platform pedal and a wide strap over the top with no cage. Amazingly comfortable, and secure.

I wrote up the below Hold Fast brand ones a while ago, but now there are some less expensive overseas versions out there under other names. Thick has them.

2010-07-21 23:26:29

I'm a fan of these.

I have a tiny toeclip overlap on my current bike but getting rid of the toe cages fixed it almost entirely.

2010-07-22 18:30:29