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How many bikes in one place?

I commented a few days ago on the number of cyclists I saw downtown during a five minute walk from the bike parking facility to my office. Since it was "rush hour" the large number of cyclists was a pleasant surprise, and worth commenting on, but did not seem outrageous.

Then I went for a late lunch today. I stood at the corner of 10th and Liberty (outside Tonic) waiting for the pedestrian signal. In that very brief period, I was passed by six bikes. Three cyclists were obviously riding alone, and were going in different directions. Then, just as the last one had cleared the intersection, a group fo three came riding down Liberty, and made the left towards the Convention Center. Six bikes! In one light cycle! That was really cool to see.

That got me thinking.....

With the exception of bike events, like the Bike Fest party, or Flock of Cycles, what's the largest number of cyclists you've see in one place (more or less) in Pittsburgh?

2011-09-02 18:07:21

I've been at intersections in the Strip with maybe 3-5 bikes during AM rush hour.

I was in Chicago some weeks ago and was floored by the amount of bikes. I'm talking 6-10 cyclists waiting at multiple intersections, even outnumbering cars at times.

2011-09-02 19:09:34

I was once on my way TO a Flock and sat at an intersection with two unrelated cyclists as about five (singles and couples) cyclists passed by. NONE were headed to Flock, because they weren't there when I got there and didn't come by later. I even asked the two that were nearest me, they hadn't heard of Flock. That was I think the first nice day of the summer last year, I just remember the weather being ideal in every way.

2011-09-02 19:14:43