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I need a new or "new" bike...

Hi All, so I really need a new bike. I bike everywhere, but confess to not knowing much about bikes. I have been using one a co-worker gave to me quite a while ago now... it was her daughter's bike, and even though I am not too tall, I know I need something bigger. I need a bike for commuting around the city I ride to work everyday and do almost all of my errands and meet-ups by biking as well. From what I understand, I suppose a hybrid would serve me best. I've been using a girl's 21 speed schwinn forever... it's old and small though at this point, so I really need a better bike. I am 5'1", so if anyone has a bike they think might suit me, or any suggestions for that matter, I'd be most grateful. I often haul a lot of stuff in my backpack, when I bike, too, so the smallness of my current bike makes things a little uncomfortable. I'd appreciate your thoughts so very much. I love biking, but if I am to purchase something new, would like to know where to start and would hope that whatever it may be wouldn't break the bank...

Please email me with any thoughts:

Thank you!



2009-07-26 05:18:55

Try looking into Craigslist... I got one off there for $20 and recently fixed it up with new tubes, chain, and rear rack for another $40 or so. You'll probably want to spend a little extra money on whatever you find but if you keep an eye out over the next few weeks you might find a good buy.

2009-07-26 16:15:27

hey, sorry to hi-jack, but I a responding to "bob" -

I have some matters of light treason to discuss with you.

also, where is your Law Blog?

willie p

2009-07-30 15:56:43

There are often very good finds on Craigslist, but keep a keen eye on it--there are a lot of people looking to buy up cheap bikes.

2009-07-30 23:44:45

I have been building bikes up for people. I post much on CL. I redo everything on the bike, customize it too, pm me.

2009-08-29 19:30:30