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Learn to ride lessons...

Wondering if any of you know of lessons for adults. I've read the descriptions for the city fundamentals classes and the classes at the wheel mill, but they don't seem to be for absolute beginners. I never learned to ride a bike as a kid, and I'd like to try now.
2015-06-05 11:19:01
Hey, you should still probably contact the people that organize the city riding classes. I think they are all certified cycling instructors and at the very least, they can point you in the right direction
2015-06-06 09:05:21
Cool! Good luck. If you strike out, let us know where you live and maybe we can put together something informal. I haven't so much as taught a kid to ride, but I'm sure some of us have!
2015-06-07 14:44:38
Thanks! My 5 year old will be learning to ride this summer (she's so excited!). I think I'll pick up a bike for myself too and give it a shot. If that doesn't go well, I'll contact the city cycling folks.
2015-06-07 15:15:16
Yesterday, I met a guy named Scott who, among many bike-related things, does do formal adult learn-to-ride classes. I didn't catch his last name, but he did say that if you ask the people that do the city classes, they'll most likely point you in his direction. He mentions that he usually meets clients at Golden Triangle bike rentals on the Eliza Furnace Trail (Jail Trail) and teaches them how to ride there. Next time I see him I'll try to get his contact info and forward it to you
2015-06-07 15:43:50
Thanks, chrishent! It's good to know I'm not the only adult that hasn't learned, it's quite embarrassing. I imagine it's more difficult to teach someone in their 30s than it is to teach a kid. But, if he's had success, that's encouraging.
2015-06-07 15:59:57
This reminds me of how I first learned to ride a bicycle when I was a kid. I had outgrown my tricycle and my parents bought me a used bicycle. I didn't know what to do with it. How can this thing not fall over when you get on it? Eventually I summoned up the courage to get on, while hanging on to the side of the house. There was a slope falling away, and eventually I let go. To my utter amazement the bike stayed upright! If anything it felt like it just wouldn't want to tip over! That was it. A fun summer ensued. Starting out at Golden Triangle is a good idea; there's no cars and lots of empty space. I might guess that one of the employees would give you some pointers, if they're not busy. Or find that Scott and have him lead you through. Hope to see you out there soon!
2015-06-08 08:43:45
I was also there with Scott and Chrishent when this came up on Saturday. Scott said he does for adults what you would do for kids : take the pedals off the bike and lower the seat so the rider's feet are comfortably on the ground, then have the rider try balancing going down a slight downgrade until they discover their balance point. Then progress from there. You cold surely try this on your own, but since Scott has been successful in helping adults learn to ride in the past, he might be able to get you going much faster (in time) than you could on your own. BTW, Scott is working the valet bike parking at the 3 rivers arts festival most days if you want to try and catch him there. He's a super nice guy.
2015-06-08 09:04:34
@newtome, the bike instructor's name is Scott Gibson. He can be reached ssssscott-at-gmail-dot-com
2015-06-08 18:01:25
And the email is not a typo. It has 5 's'
2015-06-08 18:02:06
Thanks alot! You've all been really helpful. I'll contact Scott and see if I can set something up.
2015-06-09 08:49:33
Hey All! Sorry to chime in late here, but here's a blog that details BikePGH's 2015 education offerings: http://localhost/2015/04/22/new-city-cycling-classes-announced/ We've got our Confident City Cycling class for riders who are already riding the streets and looking to get up to speed on best practices. We've got our Fundamentals of City Cycling class for trail riders who are looking to build the skill set needed for riding on the road. Then for beginners who are looking for a learn-to-ride class, we're offering private lessons with one of our certified League Cycling Instructors. I'm working with some partners to offer free learn-to-ride classes at the next Open Streets, but still waiting on confirmation from some folks. Look for us on 25th St! Please give me a shout with any questions, Dan Yablonsky Business & Education Coordinator, BikePGH
2015-06-09 10:37:02