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Lockers downtown or Southside

Anyone know of a place that has lockers for rent? During the summer I would liek to rec ride a bit after work, but dont really want to go back to work to get my stuff. So im looking for a place that has lockers or some other secure sotrage where I can put my backpack and things while I ride. any ideas?

2010-04-07 19:02:21

Bus stations, airports and train stations used to, but the War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism have changed everything.

You could check at the Greyhound and Amtrak terminals, maybe the lockers are back. There are lockers at the Carnegie Science Center though that's not quite exactly downtown.

You could rent one of the bike lockers at the Century building...

2010-04-07 19:35:57

Bike lockers at the Century Building are "communal." Two dozen people woudl have access to your stuff inside the "lockers."

2010-04-07 19:41:18

If your bike is safe there, wouldn't your backpack be equally safe?

2010-04-07 20:19:41

POlicy of those lockers is also.. bikes only.. they dont want you leave "stuff" in there.

2010-04-07 20:21:10

I use the locker, but since a number of other people have access to my bike while it is in there, I lock my bike. I am much more casual about locking it INSIDE the locker than I am locking it at a location OUTSIDE the locker.

A backpack is different. You could lock the straps to something within the locker, but how do you keep someone from unzipping/unlatching it and riffling through it?

2010-04-07 20:24:54

The Greyhound station has lockers.

2010-04-07 20:37:33