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New blog post on what a few Downtown peeps are doing for bikes

2012-07-19 17:00:22

This is awesome. Any idea the general price range for these racks? I'd love to get my building to upgrade from the toaster racks we currently have.

2012-07-19 17:06:54

these are great first steps, but I hope in the not too distant future a building the likes of the US Steel Tower should have crazy awesome bike facilities beyond an exposed 12 spot rack.

2012-07-19 17:17:47



He can get you prices on anything. Also, check out the website.

2012-07-19 17:27:43

"the US Steel Tower should have crazy awesome bike facilities beyond an exposed 12 spot rack."

They do. In the blog post you can see my old yellow LeMond hanging on one of the two inside racks. The management has wanted to install bike racks for years and appears to be very supportive of cycling to work. The racks appeared after some idiot locked his bike in one of the reserved, high-dollar garage spots, right in front of two signs identifying the space as reserved. The parking garage staff gave the bike a $50 ticket, just as they would a car!

2012-07-19 17:34:07

Lovely and heartwarming story.

2012-07-19 17:35:27

yes, what Jacob said, US Steel put up some Space Saver racks inside for long-term parkers.

2012-07-19 17:36:35


2012-07-19 18:21:48

> The Gateway Center Garage replaced a grid or “toaster” style bike rack with eleven Hoop Racks on Rails.

It would be nice if this included a link to a definition or at least picture of what a "toaster rack" is, for those who aren't familiar with the term...

2012-07-20 14:35:05

Who do I talk to if I want to see racks installed inside the parking garage on federal street (2 blocks from AGH)? I guess I would have to find out who owns the garage (I hear it is the city, but not certain). Who can i put the owners in touch with? Right now there is a small rack outside of the parking garage in the smoking area facing federal street, where people loiter and hang out. Once I saw someone else's bike locked up and some smoker leaning up against it and touching it. There are 5 or 6 employees who work at the office building who lock up inside the fence of the parking garage, too. There is one pole that one person can lock up a bike properly with a Ulock, and that is me, cause I get there first. Even then I have to lay my bike against the fence. . The other people have to lean their bikes against the inside of the fence also but cannot lock up properly unless they have huge Ulocks.

2012-07-20 15:01:58

The garage is owned by HTA-Federal North MOB LLC, a subsidiary of Healthcare Trust of America, Inc (which apparently also owns WPAHS's headquarters building...).

Also, when I was involved in the North Side Leadership Conference's Bike/Ped Committee, they were actively soliciting suggestions for places that should get racks. I just got a notice that they're meeting Wednesday, August 29 at 6 p.m. at the Federal Street Library; "an effort to connect business owners with bike racks" is on the agenda.

2012-07-20 15:26:34

Toaster rack

Edit: there's no way to properly lock your frame with a ulock except on the two ends

2012-07-20 15:43:43

@ Steven. That is a great pic. Shows the extent of bicyclist preference.

Toaster rack seems a waste of a car parking spot.

2012-07-20 16:48:14

I love that crazy little folding bike, is that in Pgh?

2012-07-20 16:53:52

It's from Bike-Pgh's Flicker group. Apparently the photo is of Pitt's Victoria Garage on Darragh Street in 2010.

Lots of photos of various bike racks around Pittsburgh on there.

2012-07-20 18:57:33

City-County Bldg has two racks, one an old toaster, that in practice can hold about four bikes for about 15 slots.

2012-07-20 21:22:02

The Carnegie Library/Museum in Oakland's covered parking is like that. I love that it's out of the elements and has recording, but if I try to park there after 10am the ends are full. I someone bent the front wheel of my old bike when it was parked in the middle of it.

2012-07-21 22:19:56