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There are some real winners in the comments section. Read at your own risk.

2012-07-23 20:33:25

as I passed through that area on my way home I saw two parking enforcement enforcers applying tickets. Through my rearview mirror I saw that every single vehicle had a ticket from first to fifth along carson.

2012-07-23 21:05:27

Heh, heh. Even though I'm not a fan of punitive punishment, the sadistic side of me is enjoying that.

2012-07-23 21:12:12

punitive punishment

is there a different kind?

2012-07-23 21:22:09

> There are some real winners in the comments section. Read at your own risk.

I seem to have been unable to help myself....

2012-07-23 21:58:04

Those aren't tickets, they're tuition bills. Those who pay those bills will learn that there are other ways to accomplish getting their persons from Points A to B. Those who pass the course will only pay that bill once.

2012-07-23 22:59:47

I couldn't help myself from commenting on that article.

2012-07-24 02:18:59

that bike lane next to speeding tractor trailers is unsafe. You should put it elsewhere. the speeding tractor trailers can stay, I guess.

2012-07-24 09:41:17

The comments are a bit shocking. I have to thank those avid bikers who are commenting and keeping it positive. I like to think this is at least getting some exposure for those of us who do ride and hopefully changing some opinions of angry drivers.

2012-07-24 12:57:12

Riding the bus through that stretch this morning it's clear that some of the folks who got ticketed yesterday have not learned their lesson...

2012-07-24 12:58:55

I drove to work today and noted, without really thinking about it, that I had significantly less concerns about hitting someone or being hit along that stretch now that I actually had room to drive my car through.

2012-07-24 13:20:01

Keep the positive comments up everyone!

As for the LTE that Slopes posted, check out one of the commenters who just threatened bicyclists, namely me. Ryan (if he's reading this), aren't you logging comments like that somewhere?

2012-07-24 13:38:52

Denise is comical.

2012-07-24 14:48:38

The comments are shocking - but nto surprising.

I think that if bicycling continue to make progress, we'll face a lot of hostility. I expect it to show up as draconian enforcement for bikers.

That is, bikes getting ticketed for, say, stop signs and red lights, but non-enforcement for cars. Same as it is for cars, now.

2012-07-24 16:43:23

I always get a kick out of vehicle drivers complaining, bikes don't stop at stop signs. 90% of cars only slow down at stop signs if there is no one there. People around here rarely come to a complete stop. I don't always stop, but slow down and see if someone is there. If someone is and they were there first, I wave them to go. I confess I also don't sit and wait at all red lights. Sometimes if you can get the jump on the line of cars there would be a clearing ahead and I would prefer to get in that clearing. If there is no advantage to jumping the red light, I sit and wait. What is the rush to get nowhere?

2012-07-24 17:25:13

I suspect those comments are coming from those that are losing their free parking. I mean, why else would anyone care? Those cars parked there were a bigger hazard than a bike lane.

2012-07-24 17:26:23

I would be curious to hear how many of those people really used that parking vs how many have a pet issue and think their opinion is one that needs to be heard.

2012-07-24 17:42:57

@orionz: a subtle hint in the direction of pet issue is any variation on the statement "but I've seen {users of transportation type X} commit {N actions that do not pertain to the issue at hand}, so this is bad."

2012-07-24 17:56:56

@reddan "but I've seen {users of transportation type X} commit {N actions that do not pertain to the issue at hand}, so this is bad."

Like this?

"I've seen pedestrians jump off the Ft Duquesne bridge into the river, endangering geese and river traffic, yet they still want us to give up parking spaces for crosswalks. What is UP with them? If they want to fly - and I've never seen one file a flight plan- why should we give up concrete that taxpayers paid for? "

2012-07-24 19:59:22

had to go through carson again today. I saw about a dozen cars parked between 2nd and 3rd. All had tickets.

As long as that bike lane looks like this in february, i'm down.

2012-07-24 20:46:07

@Mick: a fine example of the genre.

2012-07-24 21:34:31