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New website/PennDOT Program

To help residents explore the alternative transportation options available across Pennsylvania, the Dept. of Transportation has launched Commuters can find ways to save money on transportation, tips on "greening" their commute and what public transportation options are available in each county. Also included is how to begin a biking or walking routine, and what services are offered for older residents and people with disabilities.

For more information: PA Commutes website

Note: needs improvement. Information is pretty basic.

2010-07-01 14:11:49

That site has promise. They're talking the talk. Now we just need to get the state to walk the walk.

What's funny is that in frustration I just came up with my own "commute cost calculator" spread sheet. Good to see my math and theirs agrees.

2010-07-01 14:44:12

I wonder if my own 1995-written Lotus-1-2-3 spreadsheet matches theirs. Gotta dig back into my 5-1/4" diskettes and fire up the ol' IBM-XT.

Cool site, swalfoort. Easy enough to register and login. I signed up for the carpool registry.

2010-07-01 15:27:45 also has a service where you can sign up.

One of the problems I've found with these carpool signups is that a lot of people will look at the registries/maps, determine that there's nobody on the list that match them, and then stop. My office carpool system is set up like that. Nobody leaves within 5 miles of my house according to the system, but I know of three other people who carpool to/from the same location I do that live within 3 miles of me.

It's only effective if people actually sign up. I do like the new site, and it looks easy enough that hopefully people really will use it (it's easier than at least, as well as my work system).

Is Access only for seniors and ADA? Or could anybody buy tickets? Seems to me there might be potential there to set something bigger up.

2010-07-01 17:38:34

BikePGH posted on FB last week: "Bike Pittsburgh -- Tell PennDOT what would get more people riding bikes and walking. From their Twitter feed: "What would help you try alternative transportation? Tell us thru Feedback @"

September 20 at 10:04am"

So I wrote to them: "Safer, debris-free, bike lanes! I like biking, but it's nerve-wracking to deal with getting buzzed or tailgated by inconsiderate drivers. We need better education about the rules of the road for both drivers and bikers, but particularly car drivers, since they have a better ability to kill me than I do them. :-/"

They wrote back today:

"I received your feedback through PACommutes last week regarding bicycle education and safety. To your first note on the lanes themselves, if you see an area of state roadway that has safety concerns or another maintenance issue, you can call 1-800-FIX-ROAD and leave a detailed location/issue description. In recent years, the department has increased its emphasis on transportation sustainability, even funding many studies or projects that incorporate biking/walking friendly infrastructure. You can find out more at As far as education, we have many biking education materials that we distribute in schools and highlight in our safety messaging. You can also encourage your local officials to utilize our materials in events or gatherings to raise awareness and education on this topic.

Thank you for your thoughts and please let me know if we can be of any more assistance."

Erin Waters | Information Specialist

PA Department of Transportation

Press Office

400 North Street, 8th Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17101

Phone: 717.783.8800 | Fax: 717.783.8038

2010-09-27 18:51:22