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Old Skool Downhill

2010-11-18 19:05:37

see, in my head, when people say I should try mountain biking, I picture exactly that, with fewer spectators and more blood and broken bones. I'm not sure even the best gear in the world would improve my chances, I lose my balance just standing on my tippy toes (sober!).

Aside from having insufficient points of contact underneath their centers of gravity, i can't tell what caused most of those people to go arse over teakettle, other than perhaps going too fast on gravel (the turns at the end I understand, it was the straight downhill part I couldn't tell).

2010-11-18 19:24:47

My amateur opinion is that they were trying to fly down the hill so they crouched down when they should have been leaning back to handle the moguls. The only stupid thing I saw (other than the disked wheel of course) was the chain-linked fence. That kind of barrier has no place in downhill.

2010-11-18 20:07:18

ejwme, taking that as representative of mountain biking is like assuming a lightless helmetless fixie hipster represents bike commuters. You could do it, if you wanted to.

2010-11-18 20:37:21

Going down that hill with a full rigid and no armor - hard core

bar ends and neon spandex.!? - stupid

2010-11-18 20:47:42

I did manage to skii without incident a few times, and I see the two as virtually identical in terms of harrowing tree contact. I just think it's funny that there's a video of exactly what mayham I'd always imagined in my head. The people do get up amazingly quickly and apparently unscathed, that's the difference. In my head they're flailing and screaming as blood gushes from their compound fractured bodies. Who knew there were cycling slasher flicks in my head?

It is comforting to know that is not normal :D If I picture it without the mayham, it looks like fun.

2010-11-18 20:49:24

@ejwme, It's all in the editing. Check out, for example, this one.

2010-11-18 21:03:42

I'm pretty sure if they used helicopters, cranes and dollies, the early 90s mountain bikers would have still looked equally silly.

I got my first mountain bike in 94 I think. Fully rigid, bar ends, neon paint job. I looked much like these guys did, and I crashed in all the fantastic ways they did. When you are going over those moguls at that speed, on a fully rigid bike, aren't clipped in, and you have no experience how to handle that, you'll just go bouncing off your seat and pedals. I never ended up in the hospital mountain biking though, any serious bike-related injuries have been on pavement, being crashed into by other bikes/cars.

2010-11-18 21:43:27

Second vid, excellent. Oh and ej, that's at Whistler BC, only a days drive from Tofino, so you can try it. ;)

2010-11-18 21:54:51

This is my overriding passion in life. The most fun thing ever. Everyone should try it at least once. With a proper downhill bike, full face and body armor of course.

2010-11-19 01:03:55

I heard about this stuff at whistler... I guess if I can sleep off a cliff in squamish, I can roll down a hill in whistler :D I'll add it to The List. I think I'll practice at Boyce ;)

2010-11-19 02:29:42

I've only ever done downhill once. My brother works at the shop at Seven Springs and he lent me one of the DH rigs one afternoon this summer. I was amazed at the stuff you can just mow over on one of those bikes. Every once in a while I think about selling my car to buy one of those bikes.

2010-11-19 13:55:31

Ah the glory days...if it wasnt for full squish i'd never mountain ride anymore.

2010-11-19 14:15:02

@Roadkillen, who's your brother?

2010-11-19 20:17:39

Noah Killen

2010-11-19 21:14:33

That was pretty awesome. Major LOLs at the guy who gets the ribbon stuck to him and rides off with a 20' streamer hanging off of him. love it!

2010-11-19 21:25:11

Ah ok makes sense with the screen name. Should have figured it out on my own.

2010-11-19 23:00:01