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parking in the streets in ... milwaukee?

come on, if milwaukee can do it, what do we need to do to get bike corrals here? in front of OTB would seem to be a good spot.

2011-05-10 03:01:56

we're working on it. in fact just had a meeting with the mayor's office today about it. however, Carson is a state road and therefore highly problematic. I'm not saying it's impossible to get one there, but it will be considerably more difficult.

2011-05-10 03:07:26

Uggh, the old killwords, PennDot. PennDot is almost exactly like the Borg, except if the Borg were really slow, ineffective, and actually tried NOT to accomplish anything.

2011-05-10 11:21:45

So put the corral on 26th street and tell District 11 to undo that collar button ...

2011-05-10 11:45:32

To be a bit more constructive, as I think through state projects that get done, the only way things seem to get done is when a state politico gets involved and pressures the Dot to do something. That's probably why there is the perception that they don't get anything done, they get yanked from one thing to another as the political winds wave. Me being conciliatory. Anyway, I would think if one wants to get something like this done, one would need to get a state rep on board and start pulling for it.

I am now visualizing any of our current state reps on bikes and it is not pretty.

2011-05-10 12:09:28

Just a quick reminder that there is PennDOT and there is local PennDOT. When PennDOT was unable or unwilling to look at Sharrows, PennDOT local was willing to work with Bike Pittsburgh on a local implementation program that made them happen here.

There's parking along that stretch of East Carson Street. I can't see why a bike corral would not be possible, if local businesses would agree to sacrifice an on street parking space - or two.

In concept, it should make little difference to PennDOT whether that parking lane is being used by a car or by a bike.

2011-05-10 12:36:01

The other night I sat outside OTB and the parking spot was taken up by one car, driven by one person.

2011-05-10 14:07:46

Thanks Sara, do you know of any legal issues pertaining to a state road with a temporary anchored structure being installed in the street? Are there any precedents? Where would I even look for this information?

2011-05-10 14:56:02

I know Mike Kotyk (OTB owner) would LOVE bike parking in the street outside OTB, and has tried (maybe with Scott's assistance) to get it done, unsuccessfully up to this point.

2011-05-10 15:43:35

Just do parking day, every day. I would happily give OTB an extra buck or two while I am there for them to 'feed the meter' for a corral that just happens to be parked there.

2011-05-10 16:01:59

For OTB, you could probably get neighboring businesses behind it, too- having 30 bikes attached to anything lockable in the neighborhood is probably not a joy to them.

2011-05-10 16:02:41

@Mick - that might be a tricky approach, it might just get it made illegal to lock bikes to meters. People seem more prone to have things made illegal, for other people, than to allow things that would solve the problem.

2011-05-10 16:25:09