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PedalPGH - A Call for Volunteers

Hello all, It's that wonderful time of year again, PedalPGH is approaching quickly. I will be wrangling volunteers again this year, and this is my first place to start! Last year we had almost 150 volunteers, and this year we will need about the same. In exchange for your 4-6 hour volunteer shift you will be rewarded with free admission to PedalPGH and a spiffy shirt. Your hours can also be bartered toward a BikePGH membership. If this sounds like an enticing opportunity to you, just follow the link at the bottom of the page and fill out the form. You will be my form guinea pigs, so if there is something unclear or a typo somewhere please let me know via email Here is the link! Feel free to share it far and wide. Thanks again!
2013-07-11 19:28:20
We still need about 40 volunteers for Pedal PGH, making use about 2/3 of the way done. Thanks everyone! Volunteers will be contacted starting next week with their positions.
2013-08-05 17:19:19
I can't decide if I want to volunteer or ride. I have secured the day off work, but I guess it depends on my paycheck....
2013-08-06 11:59:00
I'm pretty sure i volunteered already, but will submit again once i get home, (my office computer doesnt play well with the online forms.)
2013-08-06 12:47:57
We still need 20 volunteers! Keep em' coming.
2013-08-12 15:54:33
Any idea when those of us who have already volunteered will get to find out when our shift is? Would like to be able to plan the rest of my week/end...
2013-08-12 16:57:56