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PGH v CLE Rust Cup Hand-off/Hand-shake ceremony

The Rust Belt Battle of the Bikes between Pittsburgh and Cleveland in the National Bike Challenge has been raging since May. The battle ends at the stroke of midnight on September 30th at which point both cities will tally their points (not miles) and the first-ever Rust Cup Champion will be declared. http://localhost/2013/09/17/pgh-v-cle-who-will-be-the-first-city-to-hold-the-rust-cup/ On the 18th of October some BikePGH staff is going to meet BikeCLE in Youngstown (halfway between PGH & CLE) at the Box Car Lounge & Cafe for a handoff of the Rust Cup to the first-time-ever Rust Cup Champion city. If any of yinz want to join for the pomp of the ceremony, we're going to rendezvous in Youngstown at 4pm. We're planning to bike out on this route Anyone interested? (...and if you're not signed up for the challenge, PLZ join the Pittsburgh effort at - you can go back and log every day/mile you've ridden since May 1st and it will help PGH's total. We're 10 shy of 1500 riders, so if you know any bikers who aren't signed up, nows the time to get persuasive - the free beer at OTB usually helps)
2013-09-24 13:17:28
Could be fun...I'll see if I can take the day off.
2013-09-27 08:19:41
I'd love to do this but I'm not sure I'm up for a two way ride. Is anyone planning on a return via car option?
2013-09-27 09:17:20
Will anyone be making "Pgh Rust Cup Champions 2013" t-shirts, I could wear one riding around the October Cleveland Crit Mass? (Just kidding I would never do that those people are nuts.) I think guys could sell these on the highway ramps.
2013-10-08 10:36:03
Anyone want to ride with us on Friday? We have 2 empty seats in the van returning to PGH. Leaving from BikePGH office at 7:30am and pedaling this route to Youngstown, OH > if email is your jam
2013-10-16 21:19:28
Seeing as I'm still in Chicago, I'll either be riding in with the CLE group or just driving and trying to hit Youngstown at the right time... I hope to make it!
2013-10-16 21:24:19
I work till 1:00PM. I think I would be late. I wish I could do this ride. It would be fun to meet a few people here even though I am not in the "in" crowd and.... well not the norm here. Tempting to try and make real time up that way. Hmmmm. Even at an average of 18mph on my fixie, I ain't going to pull it off.
2013-10-16 21:53:21
gg wrote:I work till 1:00PM. I think I would be late. I wish I could do this ride. It would be fun to meet a few people here even though I am not in the “in” crowd and…. well not the norm here. Tempting to try and make real time up that way. Hmmmm. Even at an average of 18mph on my fixie, I ain’t going to pull it off.
There is no in-crowd. You're just a jerk. I'm a jerk too, let's hang out sometime!
2013-10-16 22:25:53
Dan - I am in for that van ride back if there's still room. Course that means I need to bicycle to Youngstown, so deal me in please.
2013-10-16 23:30:23
can anybody provide a trip report? photographs? thanks
2013-10-22 21:51:33
This was certainly the highlight of the day. You can see more pictures on the Rust Cup's facebook page >
2013-10-23 09:54:04