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Platform pedals

I have sort of a running thing that I get my wife a "gift" for her bike every once in a while. First it was a Jesus loves me novelty bike plate, then a lovely pink and white handlebar basket.

I was looking at the butterfly platform pedals that nashbar has and thought the were cool, but wondered if anyone knew of any other places that may have other styles. The flutter byes would work ok, but a turtle or a flower would be much better.

2009-10-08 03:14:18

i know this isn't quite the answer to your question, but there are some pretty sweet hot pink pedals at kraynicks, i think on the stairs from the 2nd floor to the 3rd, that i have put on several random bikes, they are not the best quality pedals, but they are hot pink! $5

2009-10-08 15:31:28