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Poem - Bicycle Dreams

Posted this on my blog but I wanted to share. Bicycle Dreams Trapped, The walls of my cubicle close in on me. Institutional incarceration 4 walls - 40 hours - 5 days Indoors, while sun and wind mock me During all too short lunchtime reprieves The dreams begin - Bicycle dreams Dreams of escape and freedom Dreams of trails trees and sharrows Sitting at my desk I hear the ticking of the chain I hear the hum of the rubber on the road I dream of escaping these walls I dream Bicycle Dreams 2 wheels - 24 gears - and open skies Dreams of inconsequential destinations and Life changing journeys. Trying to get lost and working at staying that way Lost to the world, Lost with my friends Each of us dreaming our bicycle dreams separately Together. Dreams fulfilled of trails taken Dreams regretted of those passed by Nightmares of hills of climbing to the stars And descending into the valleys Wind whipped and laughing giving voice to silent dreams. Bicycle dreams - Frames dancing multicolored fantasies of steel and carbon sliding across sunset skies on whispered wheels of wishes On tubes like hearts once broken now Pulled out Patched and RePlaced Made stronger for the damage Bicycle dreams outpacing reality and its fear outpacing my weak and feeble excuse for a life A life that clings to me, drags at me pulls me to the side. That weak and feeble excuse for a life That lies to me That tells me I’m too old I’m too slow I’m too fat Half truths that taunt me in my weakness I am Old, Slow and Fat But I get on my bike and ride And that's no dream
2013-04-11 19:36:55
2013-04-12 12:44:27
DB, I'd planned to cut out early to take a nap, but instead I'm gonna ride my bike. Thank you for that :D
2013-04-12 14:52:39