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Procedures to updating state cycling routes?

Does the state have any measures in place to update their cycling routes? I suppose with the signage up, they're pretty hesitant to update anything, however some of the routes put cyclists on dangerous roads when safer ones are available. For example, the route to Erie goes along Route 488 outside Ellwood City, which has no shoulders, blind hills and corners, and cars going upwards of 65mph. A route following Old Route 18 to New Castle would be much safer, with light to no traffic and less hills to contend with.

Furthermore, as trails increase to Erie and Harrisburg, wouldn't it make sense to have the route more along the trail (like Route S does to Rockwood)? The options are changing so the routes should change with it.

It's nice to have these routes laid out, but sometimes it seems like they chose roads without ever being on them. Some of these routes I wouldn't even let my worst enemy cycle on.

2010-05-25 14:58:46

The PA Bike Routes (3 East/West, 4 North/South and one diagonal in the Philly area) are designated by the State of PA as touring routes, and are generally designed to take a rider the length (or width) of the State.

What I have been told is that for whatever reasons, PA Routes ALWAYS follow a State Route or a TRAIL. They will not route along local roads.

Where a trail is available they will use it. Bike Route A is shifted from Route 51 to the Montour Trail at Groveton, for example, and a portion of Bike Route S in the western part of the State follows the Great Allegheny Passage.

Are there roughly parallel trails in the middle part of the State that can be accessed from an existing route? If so, let's suggest a route revision to the State.

2010-05-25 15:52:27


THe Pennsylvania Peda-Cycle Advisory Committee, a Statewide group that "advises" PennDOT on cycling matters is recommending changes to PA Route G at their meeting this week. I took this from the agenda that I received earlier this week:


1. Bicycling Federation of Pennsylvania, BicyclePA Task Force - John Schubert - BicyclePA Route G re-alignment onto the Pine Creek Trail

2010-05-25 20:44:18