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Question for Discussion: Riding Style

If you had to wear a t-shirt/jersey with "I Represent Bike Pittsburgh" emblazoned on it for all to see, would you change your riding style[1]? Why or why not?

[1] Speed, where you ride, how you ride, how you interact with other road users, etc, etc, etc, etc.

2010-06-15 11:44:59

I might fly the bird a bit less but even as it is I only that for people trying to hit me.

So, no. I suppose that makes me sound like an ass.

2010-06-15 12:11:34

No change, I'd be happy to rep BikePgh just the way I ride.

I always wish I could ride faster, though, the way I do in my head.

2010-06-15 12:38:26

Nah, no change. With the exception of some *ahem* more casual approaches to lights and stop signs on the rare occasions I'm on a go-fast group ride in town (yes, I know, peer pressure is not a good reason), I'm pretty consistent in my riding style, whether I'm solo or with others.

2010-06-15 12:51:53

What reddan said.

2010-06-15 13:40:20

This reminds me of the time that I went on a ride

with the owner of a business that was the title

sponsor of a cycling team that I was on at the time.

I stopped fully at the first light and put my foot

down. We were all wearing team clothes that had

his business on them like 100x over. He looked both

ways and kept rolling.

Haters are going to hate no matter what you do.

2010-06-15 13:54:35

I would like to think that I would not change the way I ride.

Actually I would like to think that something like that would encourage me to ride more. I try to follow the rules, I stop at lights (try to stop at stop signs) Signal and be aware and courteous of those around me. I also ride mostly in the suburbs and not in the city (where most of the horror stories seem to be located)


2010-06-15 13:59:08

Haters are going to hate no matter what you do.

Truer words have rarely been spoken. The key is to not let 'em into your life for more than the 5 seconds in which you've shared the same roadway.

2010-06-15 14:02:27

I don't think I would change the way I ride. I already try to take that kind of attitude most of the time so as to not cause trouble.

2010-06-15 14:07:51

I'd probably choose to ride somewhere more visible, rather than stick to the back roads. I wouldn't be advertising very well if I completely avoided the cars.

2010-06-15 14:30:42

I don't think so.

I almost tossed the bird to the truck full of late teen boys giving me attitude on the 62nd St bridge yesterday. Instead I started waving to them and smiling. I then realized I'd won by not getting mad, so I threw up both arms in a victory celebration. I think this will be my default reaction to stuff like this now, because gosh darn it, regardless what the results from last weekend's DH race say, I'm a winner.

2010-06-15 14:32:56

Change? If the question goes to accountability, i'd say yes, it would make me think twice about doing something that would reflect poorly on cyclists.

By way of example, I have a small business. Every day I wear a shirt with my business name on the front (which is also my last name). It really makes me temper my reactions when I get aggravated with people. There's no hiding when it's your name out there.

Perhaps a different question to pose would be "would you ride differently if your own name was on your shirt?"

(Great topic anyway.)

2010-06-16 00:15:37

I have a bike Pittsburgh sticker on the head tube of my bike and I ride the same as always.

I generally ride like mr. nice guy though.

2010-06-16 00:18:45

Yeah.....i find myself riding a bit aggressive alone since i come from a small town's 9 of us riding.Period.And 7 are on bmx bikes.Haha.I've changed my style quite a bit since riding here as far as courtest goes..

Sadly to say, there is always a time for giving the finger..Some people are just a**holes on the road.

Group rides i always try to be polite and respect fellow riders and drivers..In a discussion this past week someone mentioned "us vs. them" attitudes, and it's true, if you have that mentality..You're probably going to get hurt or just be bitter more often.Haha.

I would probably ride a bit more courteous wearing a BikePGH jersey though, since i would be representing cycling around here as a whole..

2010-06-16 00:36:58

i typically do not like to "officially" represent anything/anybody but myself, so... ;)

2010-06-16 19:48:14