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Railroad Crossing Closed at Keystone Metals

I know a few people cross over the tracks at Keystone Metals either going into town or into the suburbs. I was annoyed to find big "road closed signs" when I got to keystone metals. You can pick your bike up and walk over the construction in process, but I imagine that might be harder to do if they're actively moving around steel rails or concrete ties
2014-04-02 12:31:36
the other day I watched three younger riders coming inbound off the streets, approaching the trail between SC and Keystone, the front rider attempted to ride across the tracks and didn't realize the pavement was missing between the tracks and went down pretty hard. He got up quickly and kept moving but it didn't look like much fun. Nice guys, very courteous on the trail (when they passed me).
2014-04-02 19:37:30
They weren't even working on it today (passed about an hour ago) but it's still marked as closed. I'm not even sure what they're doing now. It looks like there is new ballast down. Maybe they're going to install a smoother transition from tracks to pavement? It was pretty bumpy before, like it used to be down by the Waterfront crossing
2014-04-03 11:20:45
I just went through at about 12:30 and there were six or so supervisory/engineering types looking at drawings and such. No actual work crew, but I suspect it will get fixed rather quickly once they start.
2014-04-03 12:59:12