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Rep. Giffords is a Bike Advocate

Blog Post about Rep. Gabby Giffords who is apparently a strong bike advocate.

2011-01-12 17:11:25

From what I've been reading Gabrielle Giffords is a full on hors categorie Badass. It would be beyond tragedy for this country to lose her.

I don't say this often, but God be with her.

2011-01-12 17:21:47

a few more and they'll have a congressional bike polo caucus. based on the dr.'s reports, i don't see why she won't be trackstanding on the capital steps in the future?

is that a generator hub in the front?

2011-01-12 19:57:51

I read a short interview with her on Tucson Velo too long ago where the author came across her and her husband at a coffee shop after a bike ride. Sounds like a down to earth person and a great congresswoman to have in your district.

2011-01-12 20:32:12

I like to think of how exponentially bad ass she will be when she pulls through this ordeal. Imagine... it would be like having a higher calling! I like to think that through the tragedy some amazing things could happen.

call me a perpetual optimist.

2011-01-13 18:10:57

also i have loved that her husband is an astronaut and i had no idea that was connected to the navy!

2011-01-13 18:12:13

@ Edmonds59 - I'd never heard the term "hors categorie" before (shame on me) but now can't get it out of my head. Thanks for an excellent vocab upgrade!

2011-01-14 14:54:11

"Pictured above with the BMW she hopes to someday ride to Argentina,..." Bad. ass.

She could be my President.

2011-01-14 17:22:50