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Ride on the New Year (jan 1)

Is there or are there rides around town? I vaguely remember reading about a ride or two after the fact and got upset that I missed it.

2010-12-24 16:11:54

It's a perennial Pittsburgh tradition. I'm planning to be there if at all possible.

2010-12-24 20:05:51

trying to get my family to come down from McKeesport for this

2010-12-24 23:00:45

Planning to be there, and in bright orange like I was last year.

2010-12-24 23:19:20

If I'm not at rays I'll be there.

2010-12-25 01:02:38

what are the chances i could be back home by 1:00? as a huge hockey fan, the winter classic is kind of a big deal to me.

2010-12-25 04:46:52

yeah, I am in for the icycle bicycle.

Previous years I went on the ride it was fairly short (around 2 hours or less).

2010-12-25 05:09:03

@ HiddenVariable -

Last year the ride only covered 11 miles, so being home by 1:00 is very possible.

2010-12-25 14:16:33

11 miles? may have to reconsider toting my sister around for this. any idea where it's going, or where it has gone in the past?

2010-12-25 14:36:12

Last year it went from REI - to hot metal bridge - to jail trail – to PPG ice rink – to Clemente bridge – lap of north side – return. It was very slow paced and doable even if you haven’t been on a bike in years. It was fun and REI had hot chocolate at the end :)

2010-12-25 14:53:27

I should go on it.

2010-12-25 15:00:10

Ooh, I have absolutely no plans for the New Year's eve/day holidays, so I might come to this!

2010-12-25 18:11:06

I'm down like a clown, Charlie Brown.

2010-12-25 19:01:37

Just an observation on the ride, It is put on by the WPW, so there will be a large number of experienced and somewhat faster riders, so, while I'm sure it's intended as a "no drop" ride, and will be slow paced, I don't think there will be anyone to specifically look out for stragglers as there would be on a flock ride, at least that's been my experience.

I don't say this to discourage anyone, it's fun and everyone should give it a go. But maybe the Flockers/message board peeps should plan on meeting up and riding together to keep an eye on each other. Getting dropped somewhere in town when it's 25 deg out could easily turn into a bad experience, don't want that.

Unfortunately, I will be in sunny Fla and won't be able to ride this time.

2010-12-25 19:19:02

Getting dropped somewhere in town when it's 25 deg out could easily turn into a bad experience, don't want that.

Getting dropped would suck anytime, but as far as the weather goes, it might be pretty warm. Accuweather is currently calling for a high of 52 for the 1st.

2010-12-26 15:15:30

On the other hand, for anyone planning to drive-to-ride (I know that's not most people on this board, but still) it could be a rough time. Seems like they're building a huge sports festival type thing around the winter classic. Roads leading to downtown might be pretty crazy. At least.

2010-12-26 15:21:38

That's why I'm most likely heading out of town to go to rays or seven springs. No desire to share the road with a billion drunk tourists and suburbanites.

2010-12-26 15:44:12

Unfortunately, I will be in sunny Fla

oh, you poor, poor man!

2010-12-26 17:30:14

Park at the lot by Eliza Furnace Trail's east end and bike across Hot Metal to REI.

Like I've said many a time about buses, the same also applies to a car. The car doesn't have to get you *there*, only has to get you *close*, and bike the rest.

2010-12-26 19:57:14

This ride is the slowest of slow-paced rides that the WPW ever holds - it has many stops too. I wouldn't worry at all about getting dropped.

2010-12-27 00:56:37

And so far the forecasters are callig for 51 degrees and rain

2010-12-27 02:58:09

As I said, I didn't make my earlier comment to discourage anyone, and the weather may make it a moot point. But last year or the year before, my son and I went on the ride, it was 25 deg and blizzard conditions. His brakes iced up, I stopped for a minute to clear them, and the group was gone without a peep. I didn't care, because we were only on the North side, and I am well able to find my way around. But I was surprised to see how completely the ride disintegrated under the exact conditions where you would not want it to. There were stragglers the whole way back to REI.

I'm just saying, don't go expecting a Flock ride, it would be a good idea for newbies to at least buddy-up.

2010-12-27 13:05:40

Buddy available. Look for blaze orange. Hell, I'll wear the orange even if it's 51 out.

2010-12-27 14:16:55

Wish I could go on this one...

2010-12-27 15:37:53


I'm surprised, and bummed, to hear you were dropped. I recall a couple Northside stops including a long coffee stop - maybe 20 minutes. I felt like the ride included several caring leaders who blocked traffic at lights while waiting for all riders to pass. I also witnessed them running sweep at the rear of the pack for strays.

Hmmm, maybe your ride was from 2 years ago - I wasn't on that one - but the temperature and weather description you provided sounds right for last year's ride.

2010-12-28 01:12:53

If the weather is as predicted, 510ish and rainy will there still be a ride?

2010-12-28 01:54:51


Yep, the official post says the ride goes on regardless of weather...

"The Icycle Bicycle Ride, which has been held for more than three decades, goes no matter what the weather. It has been held when there has been several feet of snow on the ground and when it has rained. It has also been held, as in the past several years when the sun is shining."

2010-12-28 03:31:30

They are trying to make me work a double, overnight and into the day New Years Day...But if there is a ride going on, i think i may head to this instead!!

2010-12-28 22:12:58

ugh, not sure I'll make it, we'll see!

2010-12-29 05:01:48

How many FOC'ers are going on this ride?

2010-12-30 21:20:13

I'm planning on it. It's almost certainly going to rain but inclement weather is kind of the whole point.

2010-12-30 21:48:51

I've never known a bird to avoid flying just because it was raining out.

2010-12-30 22:04:07

you'll all hear me coming a mile away - I have the loudest brakes in America.

2010-12-30 22:16:19

the likelihood of my attending this ride is inversely proportional to the intensity of my hangover at that time.

2010-12-30 22:35:02

I'll most likely be there. Maybe. Probably.

2010-12-30 22:47:10

i'll be there for sure. i will make sure i get home for the start of the winter classic though.

2010-12-31 11:47:29

Well, poo. I had a bit more fun last night than I expected and therefore a bit less fun this morning. Need to do better on the planning. I will say, though, that Chandon Blanc de Noirs is my new favorite bargain bubbly. In smaller quantities :(

2011-01-01 15:58:11

you know... 11 am is too early for ANYTHING on new year's day... such as being awake... c'mon REI, push it back a few hours next time

2011-01-01 16:08:25

stefb- plenty of time as it is rescheduled for 8 pm.

2011-01-01 16:24:22

Was going to ride,but when I saw how miserable and rainy it was this morning and my slight hangover from New Years eve,I decided to call it quits. Would have even preferred it being snowy and cold than this constant rain.Just curious how many showed and how long was the bike ride??

2011-01-01 17:09:56

The ride went from REI to town, over to the north side, down to the 16th st bridge, through the strip back to town, then jail tral. About ten miles at very low speed. The rain was very light thankfully, and RF made it the whole way (Yay!) and then flatted on the hot metal bridge :( I hope everyone had fun. I didn't count but there was probably about twenty five of us or so.

2011-01-01 18:46:39

if i hadn't woken up ten minutes before kickoff i would have tried to go. i ended up riding somewhere and getting soaked anyway.

2011-01-01 18:58:08

yeah i took a few blurry pictures when we were standing around at the start getting instruction. it turned out that i got a flat from a tiny, small piece of dark glass at the end of the jail trail. glad i was able to get it changed at REI. i had an enjoyable time. the pace was similar to that of flock rides. i am really glad i went!

2011-01-01 19:00:09

The ride itself was okay. If I'd known helmets were required, I'd have bought one from thick instead of paying $40 for one at rei.

Pulling off of the sidewalk in front of American Eagle, I also got a flat. Not just a flat, a big fucking rip in the side of my tire. Of course, REI's tires are way more expensive than thick's too. While they were fixing that, my spoke broke. Now I have no bike until monday (I have to bus to work - thank god I don't work at 5am that day or I'd be walking) and I'm out about $100. So much for being caught up on rent and bills.

2011-01-01 19:41:38

sorry to hear that. yeah i kinda wished that i had walked to thick also. $14 to change a flat. however, i get so irritated trying to change tubes on my single speed that i did not have any problems paying someone else to do it.

2011-01-01 22:15:02

I ended up hanging with the kids at home. Given the torrential downpour I saw when I would have had to leave to roll down, I can't say I was heartbroken...

2011-01-02 01:09:59

Because of the rain (and running late) I wussed out on riding to the ride and drove instead. I got wet on the ride but not super drenched. All that orange covering kept much of the splash off me.

Mostly just light drizzle on the ride, though puddles were everywhere; basic wet day conditions. We get at least 75 non-winter days a year just like this.

2011-01-02 04:45:49