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Roberts road through CMU

From my source at CMU concerning Roberts Road, which goes from Boundary ST. through the Facilities management area up to Frew Street: "Roberts Road is open until April 29th. It will then be closed until Oct. 2015." Bummer- that is my main commute route.
2013-04-16 13:35:02
Which part is to be closed? There is a trail that runs from the big switchback above Facilities & winds towards Forbes...
2013-04-16 15:00:19
I had no idea this road even existed, it's totally unlabeled on google maps. Though I do remember seeing some cyclists go that way once... Oh well, I'll check it out in 2015 I guess.
2013-04-16 16:00:45
theres a new building going in between wean and roberts halls, next to hammerschlag. this will make a dead end out of the road that goes between porter and scaife from frew st, and a dead end out of the cic (mehrabian) garage, accessed via boundary/neville. theres a longer detour through campus that involves riding up to the cut by way of the gates/hillman center. if its during the day or if you have a cmu id, you can still make your way by going through some buildings by foot.
2013-04-16 16:30:43
I am assuming the part that has been closed recently- the narrow drive heading up towards Schenley, so you could ride from Boundary street up to Frew Street. On Google Maps the end under the parking garage is vague, but the road is there.
2013-04-16 16:31:50
How much vertical is there to cover between Boundary and the Carnegie? Not there's a way currently but is this a cut through that could be created somewhere? Would be simpler/nicer/more direct than having to go north of Forbes to get on and go west first when your preferred direction may be east. As for east through the park maybe improvement (widening, bike ramp) of the steps coming up from Joincare?
2013-04-16 16:39:48
Via RideWithGPS: elevation at Boundary & Joncaire: 813 elevation at top of Joncaire steps: 890 elevation at Roberts & Frew: 925 elevation at Boundary & Roberts: 852 elevation at the big switchback: 882 elevation at Neville & Fillmore (stop sign): 867 elevation at Zebina Way (aly btwn Neville & Craig): 910 elevation at Forbes and Morewood: 940 (all elevations in feet) Distance via Joncaire steps to Frew & Roberts: .35 miles Distance via Boundary & Roberts: .70 miles Distance via Neville, Fillmore, Forbes, & the Cut: 1.3 miles
2013-04-16 16:53:43
It looks like the Carnegie library's parking lot has some decent height to it and that the bottom level is roughly on the level with Boundary at the back corner. The thing that's unknown to me is how close to that bottom level (all the way?) that roadway to lower levels goes and whether there's a cut-over possibility around there (obviously actually going through the parking lot would be cute, but... not a workable solution for a mass audience). Maybe I'll scout that elevation this weekend if I can find a little time, come to the same point across on boundary. Would love to go full bore exploring here but the street view also showed barbed wire atop the fence. I guess security because of the power station? Don't know how far the barbed wire fence goes, but not eager to go hiking/climbing over a mound of earth and vegetation and accidentally discover it went further than I supposed.
2013-04-16 19:46:52
Bike into CIC and take the elevator up or ride to the top of the garage and then walk up a floor. Students walking to this elevator are the primary foot traffic on Neville.
2013-04-16 20:03:43
That's kind of hilarious... ANOTHER garage/elevator solution. May try it out some time, especially if I'm planning to do something on Forbes before going home.
2013-04-16 20:17:31
As far as I'm aware, there's no access to the Carnegie Museums garage from Neville Ave. Satellite and streetview both show an old entrance, but (a) I don't know if it still connects to anything (b) it's gated, and I've never seen it open.
2013-04-16 20:54:59
No, I saw that. Actually, that was the barbed wire I was looking at when I wrote. Just now I was addressing the benstiglitz's suggestion to use the CIC. These cuts through parking garages with elevators are pretty amusing, but if there's any way there could be an actual route that's doesn't take all this figuring, rely on the kindness of CMU, and doesn't have the cobbles and convoluted indirectness of Joincare / Bouquet / Roberto Clemente Drive that would be really, really awesome. I'm going to send an email toward the Carnegie Museums folks, expect nothing, but just see what happens. Will report if anything does.
2013-04-16 21:47:22
Go a little further up the hill, make the left at the stop sign on Fillmore. Go a bit more than a block and you'll be at Craig St. What's convoluted about that? (Heck, it's probably less convoluted than going up the CMU road, and involves no private property at all.)
2013-04-16 22:22:15
The new building will be called Scott Hall. It will house an Energy Institute, biomedical engineering, and nanotechnology fabrication. It's projected to open Spring 2015. map of road & pedestrian detours while road past Roberts Hall is closed, log of work to date: I made a map of some of the alternate routes. See,-79.947789&spn=0.004948,0.009602 . The one thru the Wean elevator is probably the fastest overall; the one up Filmore to Craig is probably the fastest without elevator. I work in the CIC building.
2013-04-16 23:09:51
Having a bike escalator that connects Neville/Boundary and Forbes would be so sweet.
2013-04-17 03:28:03
I'd go up neville, take filmore to craig, cut through the top of the carnegie library parking garage to schenley drive, and take that to frew st if I was going to the backside of campus.
2013-04-17 08:26:03
Bike into CIC and take the elevator up or ride to the top of the garage and then walk up a floor. Students walking to this elevator are the primary foot traffic on Neville. +1. On the reverse version of this journey, make sure to go into the garage elevators (going down) and not the elevators serving the rest of the building (going up).
2013-04-18 07:38:04
... and be sure to have your CMU ID handy when challenged. :-) But seriously, Bourndary-->Filmore is a reasonable alternative. The Jonquaire sidewalk is ok but narrow, and there's always Yarrow if you prefer your hills nice and short. Then there's the alternate route up through CMU, to Forbes and beyond, as described in a related thread. Finally, depending on the time of day and the weather, cross the tracks and go around Panther Hollow Lake.
2013-04-19 16:30:26
Also, 150-step staircase just off of Joncaire, puts you right behind Pitt's Frick Fine Arts Bldg. Easy ride to CMU, Carnegie Lib/Museum complex, Hillman Library, Posvar Hall. No needing to deal with trains, traffic, or security pestering you for IDs. Just one f'ing long staircase.
2013-04-19 19:30:34