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Safe route suggestions for the Strip District?

I work downtown and live in the strip district and ride my bike to and from. The commute in (strip--> downtown) is fine because I have a straight shot in on Penn Ave. But for the commute back, it's been so unsafe lately. Does anyone else who rides this or a similar route (maybe downtown-->Lawrenceville, downtown--> Bloomfield, etc.) have any advice for a safe route to take? In particular, the area on Smallman Street from under the 16th Street Bridge to 21st Street has been crazy dangerous lately. I got hit there last month, went to the ER for stitches etc. So once I healed I got back on the bike and rode that way again...and I've had 3 near-crashes in a week. I wear reflective gear, have bike lights, wear a helmet... the works. I guess I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on a safer route to avoid that 16th Street-21st Street area on Smallman. Penn isn't an option because the bike lane ends at 16th and it's a one way coming into downtown from there. Liberty is a much busier road than Smallman so I try to avoid that. Then the riverfront trail is closed at 16th for construction....ugh. Am I missing something or am I totally screwed here?? Thank you!
2017-05-18 08:44:22
When I commuted through there I'd mainly choose Spring Way on the way back. Granted, it's smelly and full of glass, but it's the safer alternative to Liberty or Smallman.
2017-05-18 08:54:40
One day when those condos open the trail will be open as well as a railroad street extension down to 11th or so. That doesn't help with the issue now, though   I haven't had too much of issue w smallman from 16 to21st, but then again I ride about 1/3 the way out.  It is so wide there. The speeding cars have plenty of room to pass. And the parkers have a lot of room for error pulling out. A really long shortcut is 16th bridge to trail to 31st st bridge and backover.
2017-05-18 09:23:53
If I'm going out through the Strip solo, I usually take Spring, sometimes (rarely) Smallman. Occasionally I'll turn left off Smallman just before the Produce Terminal building and cut through the parking lot behind it, then take Railroad. If it's nice out and/or you've got time, going over the river and taking River Ave to 31st, then coming back down Penn can be nice.  Watch out for geese and stray railroad tracks, though.
2017-05-18 10:35:27
I just rode through there yesterday afternoon from town.   I took the path behind the convention center to the detour, then worked my way behind the PA Railroad Fruit Auction & Sales Building (Terminal Building).  I rode that to 21 then off past the Cork Factory.  So from the Cork Factory, just reverse the route. Strava Route: Ride with GPS:
2017-05-18 11:36:49
Gerry that's super helpful, thank you! Past 15th Street, did you go on Waterfront Road or is that closed and did you go through the parking lots?
2017-05-18 11:50:57
So sorry, I gave you the incorrect link.  Try this link. I take Waterfront as far until I can't go any further (right under the David McCullough Bridge) then work my way through the lot to Terminal Building.  Another cyclist was going through and I just followed.
2017-05-18 13:40:59
  1. Penn Ave track to 16th St., Turn Right
  2. 16th St. to Spring Way, Turn left from left lane
  3. Spring Way to 17th St., turn left
  4. 17th St. to Smallman St., turn right
  5. Smallman St. as far as needed, Traffic Lights on Penn Ave. at 21st, 28th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, and 34th Streets. Penn Ave. becomes two-way east of 31st St. Traffic Lights on Liberty Ave. at 16th, 17th, 21st, 25th, 26th, 28th, 31st, and Ligonier Streets/Herron Avenue. Stop signs on Smallman St. approx. every three blocks east of 21st St. 32nd St. is one-way from Liberty Ave. to Penn Ave. northbound and two-way north of Penn Ave. to the river.
2017-05-18 17:52:40
Much the same as what others have suggested. Penn Ave bike lane to 16th, then I get on the opposite sidewalk of 16th for the 100 feet to Spring Way. I stay on Spring to 22nd to avoid the insanely wide bit of Smallman by 21st. Then, since I'm usually headed to the 40th St Bridge, I turn left at the T intersection with 36th, turn right onto a road that often has a lot of trucks on it (just be slow and courteous), then go under the bridge through a narrow gap in the jersey barriers.
2017-05-18 23:02:57
Inbound I just take Penn. Use the right lane and take the lane to avoid parked cars. I prefer it to Smallman. More direct, fewer stops, more predictable traffic.
2017-05-19 05:55:55