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saturday night special: cycling accident

So I'm a long time reader, but first time poster.

Last night I was involved in an accident with a vehicle that turned left in front of me (despite my illumination and right-of-way). Picture EMTs, blood gushing, and 20 stitches to my face.

Fortunately I had on my helmet, and fortunately the driver was a good enough dude to not flee the scene.

Just wondering if anybody out there has tips on how I might move forward re: police report, insurance stuff, getting my bike fixed, etc.

Thanks so much! Be safe out there!


2012-10-14 16:26:41

take pictures now, keep all records, say nothing, make detailed notes, call an attorney.

2012-10-14 16:52:21

Attorney Marc Reisman advertises on the front page of the Bike-Pgh website, and Edgar Snyder has made an appearance from time to time on this board.

2012-10-14 18:00:50

File police report. Keep specifics to yourself in anticipation of possible litigation. Input location and generic details on BP crash map (maps, online option, then crash map is the selection process from the home page draw down menu.

Hang tough. We are all very sorry you have tp go thru this.

2012-10-14 21:52:50

When I was in a similar situation, everyone here told me these two things:

1) Don't post too many details here or anywhere else (Facebook, etc.).

2) Call Marc Reisman.

They were right, so I'm passing that wise advice along to you. If I were you, I'd call him (or some other bike-friendly attorney) tomorrow before talking to anyone else about what happened (i.e. don't talk to insurance companies or anybody else until you've spoken to him). He'll tell you all of the steps you need to take to move forward.

It will take a while to sort everything out no matter what, but having a knowledgeable attorney on board will make it infinitely easier.

Also, I'm so sorry this happened. And so glad that you are not more seriously injured, that the driver stopped, etc. Best of luck with the legal stuff, the bike, and everything else.

2012-10-14 22:02:17

Sounds like you've gotten some good advice. I'm so sorry--hope you feel better soon.

2012-10-14 22:46:33

having personally dealt with a similar accident and my brother having one too I can tell you it's not worth it to try to do anything yourself, call marc reisman, he's great, don't talk to anyone else about it till you talk to him.

2012-10-14 23:11:03

Thanks for posting. A police report should have already been taken. Any injury should automatically trigger one. Call an attorney and he or she will be able to track it down. Not that you can't, but that's their job. Glad that the driver didn't leave the scene of the crash. Were there any witnesses? If so the attorney will need to contact them.

2012-10-15 12:00:32