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Sharing the road - new P-G article

So far, the comments are reasonable. Nice quote from Scott in there as well.

2012-04-08 14:49:16

In the garden of public discourse, Scott is the cool cucumber.

2012-04-08 15:16:57

I just wanted to point out that this is a front page above the fold with picture article in the Sunday "Print" edition.

That's pretty amazing!

2012-04-08 16:20:06

In the garden of public discourse, Scott is the cool cucumber.

What would constitute a hot cucumber?

Wait, maybe you shouldn't answer that...

2012-04-08 23:58:10

That'd probably be a pickle - used to be a cool cucumber, but has been soaked in bitterness for long that there's no going back.

2012-04-09 00:05:15

I will repost here my comment on the P-G story:

As a driver and a cyclist -- also a motorcyclist and frequent pedestrian on my way to or from a bus -- I can offer the perspective of a multi-modal user of our road system. Nearly everyone behind the wheel speeds, on every road, at every time of day, under every road condition. This endangers me, no matter what mode of travel I am engaged in. Having to slow down for a cyclist would be so much easier if drivers were traveling at, or even under, the speed limit. Were I the mailman in his little truck, or the trash collector in his big one, you would not question the momentary need to slow, and wait to pass. All we cyclists are expecting is to be given the same tolerance and respect as one of them.

2012-04-09 00:10:44

@RF - Perfect! +100

2012-04-09 11:16:25

Nice response Stu

2012-04-09 13:27:33

Like the wildebeests and zebras making their great migration together across the African plains....

2012-04-09 14:35:20