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South Craig Street short on racks

I feel bad starting a new topic on this, but South Craig near Forbes has a pretty serious shortage of racks now. It was bad enough before, but at least Kiva Han had a few in front; since Bagel Factory replaced it even those racks are gone. I'll be handing them (and other Craig Street businesses) a flyer from the link below, but they've been there a while, I'm not sure what's taking so long. Since the parking meters were removed there are even fewer lock-up spots. http://localhost/blog/2011/10/21/be-an-advocate-make-sure-your-favorite-businesses-have-bike-racks/
2013-02-20 01:15:21
Leading candidate for a bike corral.
2013-02-20 06:42:33
Related - anybody have any contacts at CMOA? They need to be talked into getting some David Byrne art racks out front, get with the times.
2013-02-20 07:44:47
Assuming you know about these... but there is a rack at Craig & Winthrop, some covered racks at the Rand Building and another covered rack under the PNC portico (although that is usually overrun with student/abandoned bikes
2013-02-20 08:49:55
oh, and a small rack on Filmore st. But I agree, there should be more business front type racks, especially with the parking meters going away.
2013-02-20 08:52:22
Parking meters were supposed to be replaced with the inverted u racks but that's not happening at the same pace that the meters are going in. Send 311 a report.
2013-02-20 09:24:02
edmonds59 wrote:Related – anybody have any contacts at CMOA? They need to be talked into getting some David Byrne art racks out front, get with the times.
That would be good if I was visiting the museum. I wouldn't park my bike over there If I was going anywhere else on craig between forbes and fifth though.
2013-02-20 09:51:31
There is definitely a problem. There are some complications that i'm not willing to go into on the internet that, although super annoying, will at least help explain the delay, but I think it's going to work out eventually. Please drop an email to the Oakland Planning and Development Corporation and let them know that bike parking is a huge problem. Feel free to suggest bike corrals. It really helps when people that aren't us contact these groups with ideas, problems, etc. And please please please please please, contact Bill Peduto, as it's in his district. There is supposed to be some sort of public meeting coming up about it, which we'll have info about once it's organized. Council people respond well if you talk about your experience as a customer. "I bike to craig st because car parking is so there's no where for bike riding customers to park either...." etc etc
2013-02-20 10:33:18
Comments submitted to both sites. Thanks for the redirect.
2013-02-20 10:52:45
no prob. and 311 is always a good place for this stuff too.
2013-02-20 10:58:28
After posting this message last week, "@CityPGH One staple per block is not enough. Oakland needs more bike racks! /cc @OaklandPlanning @BikePGH" I got the following response from @OaklandPlanning today: "We're in talks about getting new racks installed on Craig Street as well as other areas...stay tuned!" (Glad they mentioned the 'other areas'--the picture's Oakland Ave at Joe Mama's!)
2013-06-07 14:56:26
I followed @erok's suggestion to contact and to request bike racks for Oakland, Shadyside, and elsewhere, and I got a reply from the latter: Paul, Thank you for your email. Councilman Peduto paid for new bike corrals in Shadyside that included a public design competition (judged by a group including Bike Pittsburgh). We selected a new design that Bike Pittsburgh, the neighborhood, business owners, Art Commission, and local architects were excited about. Unfortunately, this Administration has stood in the way of their placement. Now that we are through the election I am hopeful to get this done. I appreciate your list of locations, we will work with Bike Pittsburgh on them (many are in process - particularly all of Shadyside and craig Street) Dan Gilman, Chief of Staff, Office of Councilman William Peduto
2013-06-13 08:51:33