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spreading the bicycle love

So I'm not sure if it's the sunshine, or if it's because I ride a sea foam green bike, but today, I had some very pleasant experiences with Pittsburgh drivers (and one pedestrian).

First, going down Beatty St., I heard a lady behind me and since I'm pokey, I moved over and let her by. As she passed, she looked over at me and gave me a nice smile. Then, on the way back from Whole Foods, I'm cruising up Beatty when some guy yells, "THAT'S A NICE BIKE!" Made me laugh, and I kindly thanked him. Then some other lady let me cut in front of her in the parking lot there on Penn Circle. So it was a good day....

2009-09-18 19:59:06

perhaps we don't talk enough about the good experiences. i've had plenty myself.

just yesterday, i decided to check out what all that out-of-the-way road was over by the tuberculosis sanitarium. this turned out to be a horrible idea, and i was going down a giant hill, holding for dear life onto the brakes, except every 15 feet when i had to let up as i became airborne over a giant bump or hole in the road (seriously, this is about the worst road i've ever ridden on, and i go down murray hill for fun). some fella was going slowly behind me--i mean, i'm doing about 15-20 down a huge hill, so i was sure he must've felt really slowed. as he passed, he had a big smile on his face and yelled out the window "good luck on this road, buddy!" i smiled the whole way down the hill, despite feeling like i was really taking my life into my hands.

a few miles later, someone was coming down high street in etna as i was going up, and he said "good job!" or something like that.

another time (on another ride), i was going up that hill in highland park, the steep one that goes up from by the pools, and some lady passed me and up ahead, she leaned out the window, waved me on and said "come on! you can make it!" i must've made it look harder than it was...

2009-09-18 21:58:50

i repainted my helmet the other day and have had literally 15+ comments by cars/pedestrians, yelling at me from cars sidewalks, mostly positive... thats nice

2009-09-18 22:11:55

A lady security guard told me that I have nice calves yesterday. Nice.

2009-09-19 15:27:48