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Thanks everyone.

Thanks everyone for helping me to get out and ride more this year. I was riding the bus yesterday and I realized that I now have the feeling of desire to ride in my gut, and not just up in my head with the thought that "I should ride my bike, it's good for me". Like broccoli. Talking bikes, thinking bikes, hearing about other people, making the effort to get to rides has helped me to blow through curtains of obstacles and excuses, real and illusory, to get out and ride. I have ridden more this year than I have in a while and I feel good. The year ahead is going to kick ass. That's all.

2010-11-24 12:11:56


I'll second the motion. Thank you guys for all the support. It's lonely being the only adult with a bicycle in my "plan". When people tell me I'm crazy, I get to say "yeah, me and over a thousand other yinzers". Seeing me after the flocks and other rides even has my nervous hubby shoving my helmet in my hand and pushing me out the door when I get cranky. "Go find your biking friends!" he says.

Thank you for being my biking friends :D

2010-11-24 15:00:36

this thread makes me smile

2010-11-24 15:21:36

I'm reading this while sitting in the Dormont Library, having gotten there by a combination of bus and bike. The bike is locked to a "Patron Parking" sign in front of the bike-rack-less library. *sigh*

I must have talked to 10 people already today about the sensibility of, and even the joy of, multi-modal commuting. Just being out there and doing it is what gets people's attention. That, and a blaze orange vest.

We've come a long way, and as soon as we conquer the How DO You Get To/From Dormont By Bicycle problem, we really will have a critical mass (lower case) of riders in this town.

2010-11-24 20:27:49

This thread made me ride today.

2010-11-24 20:36:41

Well the passage of bus service reduction and fare hikes will certainly get you out & riding even more. Reminds me, I need to fix up my MTB for the slush season

2010-11-24 21:42:11

Correction, the Dormont Library does have a bike rack.

I will definitely thank the board's many contributors for helping me learn and apply many coping mechanisms for riding in traffic. Thus empowered, I took the lane on W Liberty for a ways, and at a couple of points Downtown at the height of rush hour.

The more often that drivers see someone on a bike (being law-compliant, visible and predictable), the better for all of us.

2010-11-24 22:39:18

The year ahead is going to kick ass.

Yes, it's all downhill and smooth asphalt from here on out.

cheers, to those who ride on friday and catching the first flakes of the winter season. :-P*

2010-11-24 23:32:02

And thank you for riding more. Less car traffic and healthier people make me feel good. And thanks for getting your son interested in cycling too. The more cyclists the merrier!

2010-11-24 23:55:10

Well, I was all smile-y an' happy until Noah reminded me: Well the passage of bus service reduction and fare hikes will certainly get you out & riding even more. Reminds me, I need to fix up my MTB for the slush season


I've just been gettin' my wheels under me this year, and I've even done a little riding while it's chilly out, but I'm not really ready for this, yet it will probably be an unpleasant reality sooner than I'd like.

That said, I'm rill thankful yinz are here to help me aht n'at. :-)

2010-11-27 00:52:30