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The revenge I didn't even try to get...

So I thought I would share a somewhat comical thing that happened on my ride home from work today. I was going up Penn Ave from the strip, and three guys who looked like they were on their way home from work too (button up shirts and ties) were driving up the hill in a silver VW Passat. They passed me a few times, and I would pass them again at red lights, and each time they would heckle me a little and have some little rude comments to say, you know the usual "Hey Lance nice bike!" "Hey do you wanna race?" and "Get that bike off the road!" type stuff. Anyway, I turned right onto Friendship ave, and just as I did they passed me, continuing straight on Penn. The driver looked over to yell one last thing, and ended up slamming the right side of his car into the curb on the island the bus stop is on. There was a nice grinding and screeching sound, and they stopped. I continued on my way and just chuckled. I didn't need to say anything back.

2010-08-14 20:37:56

The beauty of karma.

2010-08-14 20:57:50

What a wonderful story.

2010-08-14 21:11:46

lolz. karma indeed.

2010-08-14 21:31:02


2010-08-14 21:49:20


2010-08-14 22:12:36

Better man than i am...Haha.I would've had a field day heckling them stuck on the sidewalk.

2010-08-14 22:24:41

Would've been poetic if you rolled across in front of the car, traversing the curb with ease, right after they stopped.

2010-08-14 23:52:10

"Get a horse!"

2010-08-15 01:34:29

If they learned anything from this it would be great, unfortunately the cynic in me believes otherwise.

2010-08-15 01:42:39

I had no idea this happens as frequently as it does. I am learning so much by reading all your posts. The bike world is a different world..... I just never realized all this was happening........

I am getting an education!!!

2010-08-15 13:41:53

Sounds like a bit of after-work DUI gone awry...

2010-08-15 15:11:51

My life is centered around being disabled from mold exposure at work, not once but twice in different buildings. The result was a severe case of chronic fatigue, which only a handful of doctors understand in this country. I went to one that claimed he knew what he was doing, Dr. Aldino Pierotti, who formerly was at the Fibro and Fatigue Center ,but now has a Pittsburgh anti aging facility. He gave me too much medication without slowly ramping it up and I am now in heart failure. So while I have my Cannondale in the garage, it doesn't get any use anymore. But one day you can all come and see me ride again.... because that is my goal.

2010-08-15 16:04:10

Kathi, as the kids say, "You go girl!"

2010-08-15 16:24:42

The kids. Oh Marko.

2010-08-15 17:14:46

That is awesome. I may also have been tempted to go back to get some video with the cell phone though... asked a few questions of the driver, like "WTF were you thinking", "I'll bet you feel pretty stupid now, eh son", etc.

2010-08-15 18:13:33

Marko, I like that...........

2010-08-15 18:44:42

I only hope the driver (and passengers) didn't turn it around with the classic "See what he made me do?!" Kudos to your patience with them!

Kathi - I was bedridden (though still made it to work about half the time) with back issues four years ago and was told by all docs that my best bet was to fuse my lower back to my pelvis, all the way up through my lower lumbar, and get used to chronic pain killers and muscle relaxants. I was 26, and life was pretty much over far as I could tell. But I finally found a competent doc who helped me without destroying me further.

I now bike about 10 miles a day, more on weekends. I garden, I chase nieces and nephews, I do kung fu and tai chi and yoga, I run, I rock climb, I camp, I kayak, I hike. I live.

Never underestimate your body's ability to heal if given half a chance, you are innately and awesomely powerful. I look forward to riding with you, just let me know when/where :D

2010-08-16 11:44:36

ejwme.........thank-you !!! I am only on hold for awhile and am getting better every day. I can't wait until the day we can bike together!!! :)) It's a deal and we are going to do it some day!!

2010-08-16 20:02:49