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17 bike billboard

driving back from NYC last night, PA Turnpike West, somewhere between Carlisle and Breezewood, saw a billboard that was essentially a "come ride your bike in Pittsburgh" advert

weather was nasty and i was cruising in the dark, so i didn't stop to grab a photo. has anyone else seen this ad? have a photo?

2011-09-05 19:57:32

I saw it yesterday afternoon on I-76 west as well.

2011-09-05 21:24:54

Cool... Someone in front of the visitor's center downtown (as part of a study maybe) asked me some questions about my commute to town a week or so ago (which is over 20 miles)... There seem to be some people fairly interested in bike touring/commuting around here.

Also cool... I was in Greene county (Greensboro specifically) with Stef (saltm513) on Saturday for Art Blast on the Mon leading a hula hoop jam and giving lessons, and I was amazed at how bike friendly the area was. All the routes were marked, bike racks at strategic locations throughout town (which is small), two-way bike lane/trail and share the road signage. I can only imagine it's their way of getting bike tourists to hang out for a minute and spend some cash. I'd totally fall for it. :)

2011-09-05 21:32:24

I saw little signs advertising that Art Blast, looked interesting, but seemed pretty far out there.

2011-09-05 22:56:32

It was far... And hot. I felt bad because I think the heat ultimately kept the attendance low, and you can tell they tried very hard to make it a success. That said, it's a cute little town and worth visiting. I may try and make the tour down there sometime as it's right along Bike Route A.

2011-09-06 02:34:21

Yup! Stu and I saw it today around 4pm on our way back from Philly. Pretty neat.

2011-09-06 03:32:22

Green county is also the home to a farm with real Highland cattle (perhaps the only one in the States, they're a rare breed), hairy and happy and yummy. Sorry Pierce. My parents were trying to convince us to go down and pick up a bunch of meat last night and I was skeptical, but throw in a bike tour of a bike friendly small town, and it would actually be worth the drive.

2011-09-07 18:47:36

It's worth the trip. They've got wineries and farmer's markets and wineries (sorry to repeat that, it's that kinda day). I enjoyed myself. I think I'm going to go down there and paint some of the scenery in the future.

2011-09-07 21:20:51

I might have to go check it out. I've always had kind of a fantasy daydream of finding a little rural town that has some degree of arts and enlightenment, and a low level of abandoned cars and appliances in the yards, and chilling out in a little farmhouse, biking, eating apples and watching the cows chew. Given up hope that such a place could exist.

And I'll take any number of wineries.

2011-09-07 21:38:55

@edmonds hmm, methinks there are loads of places like that which you describe in central california up through oregon and washington.

2011-09-08 20:06:16

also new england and some east coast areas. But realistically the more rural you get, the more appliances you are going to have on the front porch. New York has some great towns that I think would qualify except for that. And you didn't say anything about 10 foot satellite dishes in the front yard.

2011-09-09 19:09:27

Do people still have 10 foot satellite dishes? o.O

2011-09-09 19:16:12

You need to check out the town where I grew up. East Aurora definitely qualifies in the arts & enlightenment department. Not sure about the wineries; they're more along the lake shore towards the state line, like Westfield & Ripley NY, or North East PA.

Get outside any sizable town in Western NY, though, and you're in satellite dish, cars-up-on-blocks, 1954 Kelvinator fridge-on-the-porch territory.

2011-09-09 19:56:53

yep, what stu said.

2011-09-09 19:58:44

Glad you noticed our ad! We really enjoyed putting it together and we are really excited it's getting noticed. Feel free to email me and I can send you an image.

2011-09-14 15:14:28

Brenda, please check your PM's. thanks!

2011-09-17 03:09:12