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Women's Mountain Bike Ride in Frick TONIGHT! 6pm

(sorry for the late post)

Eryn from Velomuse, the talented Elizabeth Klevens and I are leading a women's mountain bike clinic and ride in Frick this evening as part of BikeFest – meet at 6pm at the Braddock parking lot (by the tennis courts).

We'll work on some skills first, then go for a ride to try them out. What we do will depend on the skill level of those who show up.

I really hope it doesn't rain hard enough to wash us out! But if it does, we can always go to D's instead.

2010-08-12 17:21:34

i really want to go to this but i work til about 7...

are there other ones planned that i can stick on my calendar? anything monthly and reoccurring?

2010-08-12 18:15:38

Eryn might know about any regular women's rides... she had been trying to start one up last I heard.

2010-08-12 18:35:57

it wont be a women's only ride but i am trying to make the FOC mtb ride happen at least monthly, if not more. should be a nice friendly ride for all ability levels.

PORC also does weekly beginner rides in Frick on friday evenings if you are looking for something easy to ride to and from.

2010-08-12 18:54:20

That FOC Woods Ride sounds appealing...

2010-08-12 19:08:19

you should come. it wont exactly be challenging, but it should be fun. i dont know if you ever made to any of the old dorc rides before they turned into "chris and stick go super fast till everyone else collapses" rides. but i'm going for a similar "anyone can mountain bike" vibe

2010-08-12 19:19:31

Ha – I heard about, and witnessed, enough of those Chris & Stick sufferfest rides to catch your drift.

2010-08-12 19:39:46