The eMessenger – Volume 2, Issue 6 – April 03, 2003

Volume 2, Issue 6 – April 03, 2003

“A Newsletter Published by Bike Pittsburgh to establish Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycle transportation.”

In This Issue:

* Gearing Up For Bike To Work Week 2003
* Spring Membership Rally Update
* Upcoming Events & Activities
* Volunteer Opportunities
* Pitt Stops


Bike To Work Week 2003 will be from May 9th to May 18th, and Bike Pittsburgh will be at the forefront of Bike To Work Week activities!

We’re putting together a lot of great events during this week (actually, a bit more than a week…) and hope that you can be part of them. Several like-minded organizations will be participating, including The Western Pennsylvania Field Institute, Sustainable Pittsburgh, Friends of the Riverfront, the City of Pittsburgh, and the Port Authority of Allegheny County.

There is an initial listing of events available on the Bike Pittsburgh website, please stop by and check them out – we’ll be updating the information frequently.

If you’re planning to commute to work from May 12th through May 16th, the Downtown Athletic Club ( is offering FREE showers for all bike commuters. You’ll need to call the week prior (412-560-FITT) to let them know what days they should expect you – this will help them ensure that there are showers available for everyone who wants one.


Do you feel that we’re providing a valuable service to you or the community? We’re on a mission to grow our Membership to 150, and we need your help! To date, 56 people have made a committment to Bike Pittsburgh, and we need another 94!

Your committment to us is only $12 a year (only $1 a month). Our committment to you is to continually work to improve cycling conditions in and around the Pittsburgh Region. This includes working for better biking infrastructure and amenities, raising awareness of cycling in the Pittsburgh Region, and working to educate the public on safe cycling practices.

Check out the contest that we’re holding for to see who can refer the most New Members – information on the Home Page of (

To join, send a check or money order for $12 (or more! – all donations are tax deductible!) to: Bike Pittsburgh, Attention Membership, 6118 Jackson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. You can join online with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express by going to the Become A Member! section of the Bike Pittsburgh website and using PayPal. PayPal is fast, secure, and free for you to use.

We’re here for you.


So what do you want to do during this year’s riding season? Chances are that you’ll find something that you’ll like in the Events & Activities area of the Bike Pittsburgh website!

There currently over 50 events listed, and we keep adding more all the time! You can find Urban Rides (check out Pittsburgh’s diverse neighborhoods by bike, or explore Pittsburgh’s parks and river fronts), Charity Rides (Tour de Cure, Cystic Fibrosis, Tour de Sewickley, etc.), Mountain Biking, Tours, Races, Seminars, Clinics (fix that bike!), and even Biking and Trout Fishing on the same trip! We’ve updated the information on the Washington Boulevard Cycling Oval for this year’s schedule. You can find information on Pittsburgh’s Critical Mass here as well. Whatever your fancy, be sure to stop by and check it out.

Ride safe. Be seen.


Putting on and staffing an event is a lot of work, and many organizations can’t do it without the help of Volunteers. Please stop by the Volunteer section of the Bike Pittsburgh website and see if there are some days and activities where you can lend a hand.

We know that there will be immediate needs for Pedal Pittsburgh 10, Pittsburgh Helmet Coalition, Bike To Work Week 2003, and Ride Leader Volunteers.

Contact the following people if you’re interested in helping:

* Pedal Pittsburgh 10 – Jennifer Fox –
* Pittsburgh Helmet Coalition – Marcia Eustice
* Bike To Work Week – Bike Pittsburgh –
* Ride Leader Volunteers – Sean Brady –


This section of The Bike Pittsburgh Leader is dedicated to identifying local establishments that have made a committment to cyclists.

This Issue’s Pitt Stop is: The Schenley Park Visitor Center – 101 Panther Hollow Road ~ opposite the Phipps Conservancy in Oakland. The Visitor Center has two nice bike racks that accomodate two bikes each. Get a cup of coffee, browse the gift shop, and relax.

Post the miles that you ride on the Bike Pittsburgh website in the “Community & Classifieds” area! Just send us your monthly mileage, and if you want your name to be available as an email link to:

Bike Pittsburgh is Western Pennsylvania’s only cycling advocacy, awareness, and safety organization. We rely on your support of our activies and initiatives. You can help us to continually transform the Pittsburgh Region into a better place to cycle by becoming a Full Member for only $12 per year. With your tax-deductible Membership Donation you will receive a Membership Card good for discounts with participating organizations that share Bike Pittsburgh’s vision, priority invitations and/or discounts to special Bike Pittsburgh-sponsored events, and the satisfaction that you really are helping to make a difference for all of us. For complete details, go to the Bike Pittsburgh website and click on the Become A Member! section.

“The Bike Pittsburgh Leader” is an occasional newsletter of Bike Pittsburgh, Inc. Bike Pittsburgh, Inc. does not rent, sell, or make available any personal information, including email addresses, that you may send to Bike Pittsburgh. If you would like to be removed from the distribution list, simply email: and request to be removed. credit alberta membership unionflorida credit line merchant card accountdistance university accredited from program learningcredit account adult program merchant cardactt your affect credit transfers scoreair cards government credit forcetransfers 0 card credit balancedegrees real accredited in estate california Mapabingdon ringtones innocent sorrow boys schoolpayday addresses companies fo loan ukmali 7alaly mp3 yamp3 jungs 7erbgm 7g mp37house kiss mp3mp3 7l stalkertiersen 7pm mp3 Map

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