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2013 paving schedules

Does anyone know what streets are to be done this year? We've done pretty well the past couple of years, with 45-year-old concrete slabs on Brighton and Perrysville finally getting addressed. If anyone has any updated info on what is scheduled to be fixed this year, whether city or surroundings, please post it in this thread. For myself, I'm hoping East Street between Venture and AGH gets some love. It hasn't been touched since the concrete was poured in 1987 or so when I-279 was being constructed. I rode in on it this morning, and it's somewhere between bone jarring and just plain dangerous.
2013-04-17 12:50:24
18th Street in South side would be great - it's rough.
2013-04-17 13:11:09
At least as of today, 4/18/2013, this link shows the paving schedule for District 3 (Bruce Kraus). Includes pictures, too PDF And yes, it includes "18th St. (Mission to Wachter)".
2013-04-18 12:08:55
Looks like that's the councilman's suggestions for paving. The DPW makes the actual list, and it appears they haven't released it yet. Last year they released a list around April 17th. Maybe the unseasonably cold weather until recently slowed them down. Or maybe our executive branch has been spending its time meeting with lawyers, not the DPW.
2013-04-19 00:25:45
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Atwood finally gets repaved. The ruts/rivulets make it just simply a PITA to ride down. Nothing quite like cold patch on top of cold patch...
2013-04-19 21:01:23
Brighton Rd between Marshall and Charles is terrible. I flatted once when I hit a chasm between lanes and have gone about 10mph down that hill ever since, trying not to swerve in front of a car while dodging potholes.
2013-04-20 17:22:10
I believe parts of Atwood are also on BKraus's list. I had the same thought the last time I rode up that way, too...
2013-04-21 19:36:08
buffalo buffalo wrote:I believe parts of Atwood are also on BKraus’s list. I had the same thought the last time I rode up that way, too…
Oh yeah, you're most definitely right! (From the list Stu linked) ... Oakland Ward Street (between Cato & Frazier) 200-400 block of McKee Place Parkview (Oakland Square) Lawn Street (at Niagra) Zulema Street (between Ward & Bates) Pier Street Bouquet at Joncair Atwood (Parkview to Forbes) Mackey Street Swineburne at Parkview Oakland Way at Jet Way ....
2013-04-22 01:21:01
"Parts of Atwood" ha! that's the entire thing, just about.
2013-04-22 19:32:54
Just saw this tweet:
Next week, DPW crews will mill, pave in Agh Ctr, Agh West, Brighton Hghts, Fineview, Manchester, Perry North & South— PGH Public Works (@CityPGH_DPW) April 26, 2013
2013-04-26 15:38:01
on page four: "...tertiary streets will receive a resurfacing treatment commensurate with lower traffic volumes." anyone know if bike-pgh or the city bike/ped coordinator had input on the walkability/bikability of these alternative surface treatments?
2013-05-18 09:55:28
oh my. 45th. Railroad. West North. ...this is going to be a good year.
2013-05-18 10:07:53
@sloaps, Is that chip-n-tar? or is there some other treatment option?
2013-05-18 10:41:42
I'm curious to see what happens with what they put down on Perrysville in September. It's only a half inch thick.
2013-05-18 11:46:41
@marko82 yeah, "tar and chip" among others. PennDOT released a report in 2011 titled, "Cost Benefit Analysis of Including Microsurfacing in Pavement Treatment Strategies & Cycle Maintenance" While the resurfacing alternative may meet all metrics for a successful thoroughfare for automobile traffic, the downside of a few of these alternatives to pedestrians and cyclists is that the surface may become too coarse, loose or slippery. Oil and chip is a classic example where the application of crushed stone onto a tacky surface isn't "complete" until the coarse aggregate is seated into the travel lane by a few weeks of traffic. The unbound, excess aggregate is deposited in the median and shoulders. The excess aggregate appears firm, but any cyclist riding as practicable to the right and taking a corner on these roads - even weeks after a resurfacing - can attest to the hazard of seemingly firm, but loose stone shoulders. Another is the fog treatment that is a thin "varnish" over the pavement. It's a means to seal small cracks and replenish the asphalt material which keeps the aggregate in pavement, so it doesn't wear away so quickly and maintains a suitable "roughness". However, a light rainfall after a light overlay/seal can make for an incredibly slippery surface, which is why these processes are always dependent on a few days of clear skies. Like the tar and chip, this resurfacing option requires some automobile traffic and weather to "complete" the application.
2013-05-19 07:59:02
Tar and chip is not only a PITA, it's dangerous to both bicyclists and motorcyclists.
2013-05-19 11:12:46
Center ave by whole foods needs a makeover. It's like the surface of the moon at the corner of penn circle west and center ave over till the whole foods entrance.
2013-05-19 16:41:23