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Anti harrasment ordinance

I think the link is right. I would love to see something like this here

2012-08-03 01:12:37


2012-08-03 15:26:00

Wish that law was passed here, but as with most laws like the 4' one, police will never enforce it. Police don't even enforce speed limits in our region, let alone something like no harassment .

2012-08-03 15:39:22

It seems to me that this ordinace is more about what a cyclist can do in a court of law

i.e. legal suite

here is the last paragraph of the text. i would imagine with more and more cyclist wearing helmet cams (just got mine) this could get interesting.

"The ordinance, which creates a right of civil action for cyclists who are harassed by force or distraction while riding in the City, empowers cyclists to seek treble damages and attorney’s fees in civil court in addition to standard criminal and civil protections. The new rule takes effect August 17, 2012."

2012-08-03 16:01:49

that Tewksbury story is freaky. If it's true, the cyclists behavior was totally beyond the pale, and shouldn't need a special law.

I like the idea of a civil law cyclists can try to use, but i can also see most incidents boiling down to a he-said-she-said, and can guess what will happen then.

2012-08-03 16:09:05

I said it in another thread, maybe it was a comment on one of the P-G stories: "You throw a bottle at me, I have my helmet cam turned on, I get your plate #, I'll see you in court. No police necessary beyond ID'ing the owner of record."

2012-08-03 16:27:16

+1 Stu, my hemet cam is my new riding buddy

2012-08-03 16:29:46

Seems to recognize a disparity in size and the potential for the vehicle to be a weapon of sorts. Would be nice if applied properly. I would buy 2 GoPro's if this happened.

2012-08-03 16:31:58

If local cops need state grants to pay for speed enforcement, then consider enforcing this harassment as part of the FED's next quantitative easing.

2012-08-04 13:33:56

The city hired over 30 new police officers in June of this year and I heard they are hiring more. Why do they need a grant? Just start setting up shop and collect ticket money. It should fund itself and promote safety for everyone that is in the city. It isn't just for cyclists, it is for all car drivers and pedestrians. Things are way out of hand. Boy Mayor isn't going to promote anything. He is too busy with his quest to stop Chick Fil A, or whatever all that crap is.

2012-08-04 15:11:18