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Bike + Dog... any ideas?

I've looked into some of the solutions to riding with my dog (a 125 pound Great Dane mix) including:


K9 Bike Jogger

Does anyone have feedback on either of these products, or a safe, DIY solution?

*Note - I'm only planning on using this on secluded trails, riding at a slow pace my buddy can keep up with, will provide more than enough water, etc.

2010-07-14 17:32:15

Something like that is going to require a lot of training. No experience however,

2010-07-14 17:41:49

I think training is more important than the device used. I've never used one of those. I do hold the leash in my hand as I ride, but in a way that I can just drop it if needed, not like tied to the bike or around my wrist.

My dog knows that he's only allowed on the left side of the bike and not allowed to cross in front of the tire. He LOVES bike runs.

2010-07-14 17:44:33

I'm going to say bad idea. If you are in a situation where you need to have your dog on a leash that means they might go after something. If they do, what are you going to do? 125lb of dog tied to your bike sounds like a really bad idea for you and the dog. Even if that dogs decides to stop for water I think you'd be screwed.

Take him w/o a leash somewhere or walk with him. At least that way you have some control and/or can drop the leash if absolutely necessary.

2010-07-14 20:46:19

great dane? forget the bike. ride the dog.

2010-07-14 20:52:35

"Bike+Dog - Any ideas?"

Make sure your insurance is current.

2010-07-14 21:15:29

++ on the training comments.

I have a friend who bikes his dog all the time, he started when she was a puppy. She trots beside him very happily and absolutely loves it (she's a decent sized untrimmed terrier, ~50#, he tells people she's a Hungarian Wolf Goat). She's ridiculously well trained, but he doesn't tie her to the bike, just holds the leash. If she bolted he'd topple, but not drag. She doesn't bolt.

She's not a Great Dane, though. Those are awesome, but man are they huge. I always wanted a Newfie, and I'd definitely bike train it. Fit it with a harness and train it to help me up the hills. That'd be awesome. Big dogs also make fantastic space heaters in the winter.

2010-07-15 12:23:26

mortimer is going to be your new training partner huh? as mellow as he is, training him for this shouldn't be too bad. just bring lots of treats.

2010-07-15 12:39:01

I saw a guy on Junction Hollow with a husky in a harness and a skateboard.

He was making good time.

2010-07-15 17:46:11

Teach your dog to ride a bike.

2010-07-15 17:51:39