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da Weather on da Phone

I'm wondering what weather/radar websites people are using to check weather on their phones?

1) yer basic tiny-screen web enabled not-so-smart phone

2) iphone

3) android

I have #1, an old blackberry.

I'd love some kind of up-to-the-minute radar image.'s hourly reports are okay at home but stink onthe blackberry (too many clicks, &tc).

2011-05-19 16:01:12

heh, I thought this would be about the phone number you can call to get the forcast (updated every hour). I don't remember what it is, it's programmed into the Hubby's phone (along with the phone number to call for the traffic report).

Our phones are not smartypants phones.

2011-05-19 16:51:04

weather channel app on 2 and 3. i try to forget that 1 exists still.

2011-05-19 17:14:43

I have a #1. I use weather underground (mobile). Not great, but everything is on one page.

2011-05-19 17:24:57

You can use

Type in your zipcode and then bookmark it, no ads, no additional clicks

2011-05-19 17:37:00

@ejwme I thought this would be about the phone number you can call to get the forcast

Do they still have that? The phone company used to have that service at 412-WE6-1212, but it was discontinued a few years ago. Is there some other number?

2011-05-19 17:44:21

Weather Channel Max on the iphone.

2011-05-19 17:53:37

I just hold my iphone in front of me, if I can't see the screen that means it's mostly sunny, and if I see water drops it's raining.

2011-05-19 18:19:40

I love; I have three pages bookmarked on my computer and have quick links to them on my iPod Touch as well.

First is your generic forecast page:

The second and third are way more useful. This is an hourly weather forecast, so "rain tomorrow" is way less vague than "rain possible between 4 and 7 pm."

Even better, this shows you whether there are any storms nearby, or if there are, whether they will be all-day affairs or over quickly.

I just bookmarked these and have the last two on quick links from my home screen.

2011-05-19 18:37:27

Mick, that was the only number I remember, but Hubby has a different number. I'll post it when he texts me back.

2011-05-19 19:05:10

I use edmonds method first. Usually out of a window.

After that, the weather channel app on an iPhone. Mainly because I check radar over any kind of forecast. I find it easier to blame my lack of experience at interpreting that image, rather than getting mad at people with degrees in it who still screw it up.

2011-05-19 19:53:29

I use the default weather app on android. Looks like this: The image is hotlinked to photobucket so if they pull it, oh well.

The blue line is precipitation, yellow is temperature. Slide your finger over the bar for details.

2011-05-19 21:52:23

Thanks, all!

2011-05-20 02:08:21

"Radar Now" on the Android phone. One click and you're looking at a 150 -mile radius that animates the previous 30 minutes. Very useful. Free.

2011-05-20 02:33:48

You can call almost any airport for automated current conditions:

AGC: 412-466-8968

PIT: 412-472-0145

BTP: 724-586-6434

NOAA has recorded forecasts: Pittsburgh 412-262-2170

Or you can dial 1-800-WX-BRIEF but you have to know what to say :)

2011-05-20 04:07:07

National Weather Service number...which I think salty posted. 412-262-2170

When I used to do weather on my phone, I used It automatically pops up with the mobile site.

2011-05-20 17:48:23