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For Athletes, Risks From Ibuprofen Use

Warnings about athletes using ibuprofen during exercise. The issue is that during exercise the body shuts down digestion, stressing the intestines, which recover after the exercise stops. But ibuprofen stresses the intestines anyway, so using during exercise may be a bad idea.

2012-12-07 19:28:53

I had no idea. Thanks for posting this. I'll have to ask a Dr next chance I get.

2012-12-07 21:00:57

I found this pretty interesting. Having been very involved in the local distance running community and coaching for 18 years, I have to say I was not aware of any runners I knew taking ibuprofin prophylacticaly to avoid or lessen post workout soreness. They may have taken it pre workout for other reasons but not for pain management, which makes this information good to know.

2012-12-07 21:11:59

I tend to take Ibuprofen a day after I overexert myself... like doing a bunch of racing without any training, or riding way longer than I'm used to without building up to it, or wrecking hard, or drinking too much. I don't take it pre-emptively though.

2012-12-07 22:34:11

ouch. i take Vitamin-I prohylactally, 800mg at a time. Going to have to talk to the Doctor. Thanks for the info!

2012-12-07 23:53:32

I try not to take ANY medication because to be quite honest, I don't trust that industry. I only take things that have been proven for the test of time. After the drug pushing companies started to advertise, I knew it was about money and not about health. Please be careful. Do I take Ibuprofen? Rarely and as little as possible. It is a very good drug as far as relieving symptoms, but what are the consequences? Our generation doesn't really know. I guess what I am saying is, please be careful and don't overuse anything from the drug pushers that are advertising like crazy to the poor public that always are looking for snake oil.

Sorry about the rant, but I do worry about others. That is the only reason I posted.

2012-12-07 23:55:42

Thanks for posting this!


2012-12-08 00:54:57

Ugh, ibuprofen!

I very rarely take medicine of any sort unless it's deemed necessary by a doctor. A few years ago I was on prescription-strength ibuprofen for awhile due to a foot injury. My doctor is pretty sure that caused the stomach ulcer that took 3 years of treatment to get rid of. No fun, and as a result I was uninsured for several years and still pay all stomach-related health expenses entirely out of pocket.

So yeah, I don't touch the stuff. As for sport-related soreness, ice baths do wonders!

2012-12-08 01:41:39

researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands recruited nine healthy, active men and had them visit the university’s human performance lab four times.

Such a small sample, the results seem a bit questionable.

2012-12-08 01:48:58


Everything, even supplements, have risks of side effects. Personally, I use excedrine migraine before a long ride because I always get a migraine if I don't. I am sure there are people who take a dose of ibuprofen before exercise if they need to. NSAIDs don't agree with my GI system anyway (other than Celebrex.. Which is really a COX2 inhibitor), so I avoid them, especially on an empty stomach. 800mg of ibuprofen three times a day is actually a standard dose we rx for arthritis in healthy people. But yeah, this study has such a small sample that I wouldn't change anything..

2012-12-08 12:30:00