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So I've come realize the Bianchi BUSS sitting in my basement just isn't getting enough use, and I'm looking to off-load it, preferably for a Surly Cross-check (or similar) fixed gear.

The BUSS is the UPS brown model, with swanky Paul hubs. Mostly stock, though the freewheel, chainguard, seatpost, and stem have been upgraded (I have the original stem if you need the gold bling, though). This is pretty close to what I running right now (my seatpost clamp is also blingy gold, too). Gearing is 36x18. Frame is 17.5 inches, but it rides smaller than that.

The bike is totally awesome, but I am not riding it enough and, frankly, I'm morphing into a big wuss on the trails.

I have a ballpark price in my head, but would prefer to hear offers if anyone is interested. And, as I said, if you have Cross-Check-y fixed gear you'd want to trade, I'd be very interested.

Email bjanaszek/gmail.

2011-01-11 16:25:03

That is a super nice bike. I had the steel grey version of it, and the bit later Easton Ultralite hot pink PUSS version as well.

2011-01-11 16:32:04

Yes, I am torn.

2011-01-11 16:36:54