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Kids, rocks and keeping your wits about you in east lib.

I'm cross posting from another board, but word has it that those super friendly kids who like to throw rocks at cyclists are back at it. This particular person ran into 10-15 kids around Stanton and Negley.

Ride safe, folks.

2012-01-29 19:03:00

Same time of day?

2012-01-29 19:27:48

east liberty sucks

2012-01-29 19:41:43

That's my stomping grounds. What time of day does this happen.

2012-01-29 19:43:06

And even more shocking there is another Pittsburgh cycling board!?!

2012-01-29 19:46:34

That blows. I usually take Chislett to black street at Stanton and never make it down to negley and Stanton in a car or on bike.

2012-01-29 19:49:42

@ stefb still pretty close to that intersection, still be cautious.

2012-01-29 19:54:21

This particular incident was late at night, probably 10 or 11pm.

2012-01-29 20:20:56

I traveled through that intersection frequently when my brother was living in highland park but fortunately never encountered any problems. I have however been hit by a rock thrown by kids before (albeit riding a motorcycle and in Huntington County and for what it's worth, the stone throwers were white, middle-class kids. I had to go to the ER for stitches, as my open face helmet didn't provide sufficient protection). Stupid kids. Where the hell are their parents! A gang of 10-15 kids should at least have one set of concerned parents between them. Sheesh.

2012-01-29 21:10:54

well i do have a camera for my helmet now. not that it would make me safer, and not that at night, things would be clear, but in the event that i would be assaulted, maybe it could be helpful. maybe not. i am going to continue to take my usual route home, but i will keep an eye out in the car if i ever travel that way.

2012-01-29 22:33:30

I agree not to change your route, just be aware of your surroundings. I don't think we should live in fear but use wisdom and good judgment.

2012-01-29 23:06:03

bummer. but just for the record, stanton and negley is also highland park.

2012-01-30 00:10:01